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This hasn't been needed since 1.2.8. This just tightens up on security a bit more. Note anyone using plugins may have to check if all their plugins will work with register_globals off. (I've been using this on a local squirrelmail box with 1.2.9 for over a month with no issues) @ text @# $NetBSD: squirrelmail.conf.dist,v 1.3 2002/01/07 11:49:45 jlam Exp $ # # SquirrelMail configuration file fragment for Apache Alias /squirrelmail/ "@@SMDIR@@/" Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all @ 1.3 log @Update mail/squirrelmail to 1.2.2. Changes from version 1.0.6 include: * Collapsible Folders - The folder list can be collapsed at any parent folder. This makes folder lists with large hierarchical structures much easier to manage and navigate. * The Paginator! - This enables quick access to any page in the message list by simply choosing the page number to view rather than tediously clicking "next" 50 times. * Hundreds of UI tweaks - The user interface has been given a face-lift. The HTML has been largely overhauled, and while it still has the same general feel, it has been made more intuitive. * Drafts - It is now possible to compose a message and save it to be sent at a later date with the drafts option. * New Options Page - The options page has been completely rewritten for several reasons, the main of which was to allow seamless integration of plugin options and to provide uniformity throughout the entire section. * Multiple Identities - It is now possible to create different identities (home, work, school) that can be chosen upon sending. Each identity can have its own email address, full name, and signature. * Reply Citations - Different types of citations are now possible when replying to messages. * Better Attachment Handling - The plugin, attachment_common, has been fully integrated into the core of SquirrelMail. This allows inline viewing of several different types of attachments. * Integration of Several Plugins - The following plugins have been put directly into the core. As a result, be sure not to install these as plugins, as the result may be (at best) unpredictable: attachment_common, paginator, priority, printer_friendly, sqclock, xmailer. * Improved support for newer versions of PHP. Note that you may have trouble if you are running PHP version 4.0.100 (commonly distributed with Debian 3.0). * Ability to mark messages as read and unread from the message listing. * Alternating Colors - The message list now alternates row colors by default. This presents a much cleaner and easier to read interface to the user. @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $NetBSD: squirrelmail.conf.dist,v 1.2 2001/03/14 15:33:48 jlam Exp $ a9 8 # # Currently, SquirrelMail requires that "register_globals" be turned on # to function properly. If mod_php4.so is not loaded, then this flag # must be set in php.ini. # php_flag register_globals on @ 1.2 log @Update squirrelmail to 1.0.3. Pkgsrc changes include setting the example Apache URL to http://www.domain.com/squirrelmail/ instead of /mail/ to access squirrelmail. Changes from version 1.0.2: - Many i18n enhancements/fixes - Fixed bug with default theme path being set incorrectly - Fixed problem when sending/forwarding multiple attachments - Made folder drop-down list consistent in look to the other drop-downs - Fixed problem where some attachment filenames would not be displayed - Added Finnish help files by Teemu Junnila - Updated Norwegian translation - Updated Brazillian Portuguise translation @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $NetBSD: squirrelmail.conf.dist,v 1.1 2001/02/12 15:15:44 jlam Exp $ d10 8 @ 1.1 log @Add a file for easy inclusion into Apache's httpd.conf file. Reword MESSAGE to refer to this new file. @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $NetBSD$ d6 1 a6 1 Alias /mail/ "@@SMDIR@@/" @