head 1.2; access; symbols pkgsrc-2017Q3: pkgsrc-2017Q3-base:1.1; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.2 date 2017.; author khorben; state dead; branches; next 1.1; commitid itF6QcdEeR8hJKeA; 1.1 date 2017.; author wiz; state Exp; branches; next ; commitid 09WOxivUCRZwuQ0A; desc @@ 1.2 log @Rename print/cups to print/cups-base to depend on cups-filters This change: - renames print/cups to print/cups-base, - lets print/cups-filters depend on print/cups-base instead of cups, - adds a package print/cups depending on print/cups-base and print/cups-filters. This makes sure installing print/cups always installs print/cups-filters, as it is necessary for being able to print outside of Mac OS X since CUPS 1.6.0. You're welcome. I do not think superseding is necessary, since print/cups will also install print/cups-base, which really is the same as before. In practice it is like a new dependency. I do not want to risk a bad "cvs import" either, sorry. Bumps PKGREVISION for print/cups and print/cups-filters, since they have new dependencies now. This is also necessary for everything else currently depending on print/cups; I will try to commit this right after this one. Tested on NetBSD/amd64, as reviewed on tech-pkg@@. No breakage observed, apologies if anything goes wrong. @ text @$NetBSD: patch-doc-help-man-cups-files.conf.html,v 1.1 2017/07/27 08:54:26 wiz Exp $ Add a PidFile configuration directive to write a PID file. --- doc/help/man-cups-files.conf.html.orig 2017-03-28 20:26:53.000000000 +0200 +++ doc/help/man-cups-files.conf.html 2017-07-17 17:25:02.000000000 +0200 @@@@ -116,6 +116,10 @@@@ The default is "/var/log/cups/page_log". +
PidFile path +
Specifies the file the CUPS scheduler writes its PID to +(set to an ampty value to disable the PID file). +The default is usually "/var/run/cups/cupsd.pid".
RemoteRoot username
Specifies the username that is associated with unauthenticated accesses by clients claiming to be the root user. The default is "remroot". @ 1.1 log @Add proper pidfile support, from Edgar Fuß. This has not been accepted upstream in various previous tries, but is deemed useful functionality anyway. Bump PKGREVISION. While here, revert undiscussed mit-krb5 dependency. Should be optional, and should have bumped PKGREVISION. @ text @d1 1 a1 1 $NetBSD: patch-doc-help-man-cups-files.conf.html $ @