head 1.8; access; symbols pkgsrc-2016Q3: pkgsrc-2016Q3-base:1.6 pkgsrc-2016Q2: pkgsrc-2016Q2-base:1.4 pkgsrc-2016Q1: pkgsrc-2016Q1-base:1.2 pkgsrc-2015Q4: pkgsrc-2015Q4-base:1.1; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.8 date 2016.; author fhajny; state dead; branches; next 1.7; commitid eUiNLu4Ffa6m0jtz; 1.7 date 2016.; author fhajny; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; commitid kgJeSijX26NhYErz; 1.6 date 2016.; author fhajny; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; commitid ez8ChvfoUjFzDTmz; 1.5 date 2016.; author fhajny; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; commitid aQvMUqE7RpuOTTiz; 1.4 date 2016.; author fhajny; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; commitid 0MGuT2iet6t4UF7z; 1.3 date 2016.; author fhajny; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; commitid CiGEyIz7tRXKwv4z; 1.2 date 2015.; author fhajny; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; commitid iqXD0c5h2wV1i5Py; 1.1 date 2015.; author fhajny; state Exp; branches; next ; commitid BUbxIiFg9jRoKOIy; desc @@ 1.8 log @Update databases/elasticsearch to 5.0.0. * Now requires JDK 8.0. * Use a different installation layout as some location are now impossible to change without patching the Java sources. === Breaking changes in 5.0 === Migration Plugin - The elasticsearch-migration plugin (compatible with Elasticsearch 2.3.0 and above) will help you to find issues that need to be addressed when upgrading to Elasticsearch 5.0. Indices created before 5.0 - Elasticsearch 5.0 can read indices created in version 2.0 or above. An Elasticsearch 5.0 node will not start in the presence of indices created in a version of Elasticsearch before 2.0. - Indices created in Elasticsearch 1.x or before will need to be reindexed with Elasticsearch 2.x in order to be readable by Elasticsearch 5.x. It is not sufficient to use the upgrade API. === Breaking changes Aggregations:: - Remove size 0 options in aggregations Aliases:: - make get alias expand to open and closed indices by default - Remove deprecated indices.get_aliases Allocation:: - Remove DisableAllocationDecider Analysis:: - Remove `token_filter` in _analyze API - Removes support for adding aliases to analyzers - Analyze API : Rename filters/token_filters/char_filter in Analyze API in master CAT API:: - Improve cat thread pool API - Row-centric output for _cat/fielddata - Add raw recovery progress to cat recovery API - Remove host from cat nodes API - Using the accept header in the request instead of content-type in _cat API. CRUD:: - Fixed naming inconsistency for fields/stored_fields in the APIs - Disallow creating indices starting with '-' or '+' - Wait for changes to be visible by search - Remove object notation for core types. Cache:: - Remove deprecated query cache settings Cluster:: - Persistent Node Ids - Remove validation errors from cluster health response - Remove memory section Core:: - Remove ignore system bootstrap checks - Remove minimum master nodes bootstrap check - Keep input time unit when parsing TimeValues - Remove cluster name from data path - Add max number of processes check - Add mlockall bootstrap check - One log Engine:: - Optimize indexing for the autogenerated ID append-only case - Remove `index.compound_on_flush` setting and default to `true` Exceptions:: - Die with dignity Fielddata:: - Remove "uninverted" and "binary" fielddata support for numeric and boolean fields. Geo:: - Deprecate GeoDistance enums and remove geo distance script helpers Index APIs:: - Removes write consistency level across replication action APIs in favor of wait_for_active_shards - Remove `GET` option for /_forcemerge - Remove /_optimize REST API endpoint Indexed Scripts/Templates:: - Store indexed scripts in the cluster state instead of the `.scripts` index Inner Hits:: - Also do not serialize `_index` key in search response for parent/child inner hits - Don't include `_id`, `_type` and `_index` keys in search response for inner hits - Nested inner hits shouldn't use relative paths - Drop top level inner hits in favour of inner hits defined in the query dsl Internal:: - `_flush` should block by default - Actually bound the generic thread pool - Remove support for pre 2.0 indices Logging:: - Introduce Log4j 2 Mapping:: - Remove `_timestamp` and `_ttl` on 5.x indices. - Add a soft limit on the mapping depth. - Disable fielddata on text fields by defaults. - Add limit to total number of fields in mapping - Change the field mapping index time boost into a query time boost. - Deprecate string in favor of text/keyword. - Term vector APIs should no longer update mappings - Remove the `format` option of the `_source` field. - Remove transform Packaging:: - Rename service.bat to elasticsearch-service.bat - Remove -D handling in args for windows plugin script - Set default min heap equal to default max heap - Remove allow running as root - Require /bin/bash in packaging - Remove plugin script parsing of system properties - Add JVM options configuration file Parent/Child:: - Removed `total` score mode in favour for `sum` score mode. - Removed pre 2.x parent child implementation Percolator:: - Remove `.percolator` type in favour of `percolator` field type - Change the percolate api to not dynamically add fields to mapping Plugin Delete By Query:: - Remove Delete-By-Query plugin Plugin Lang Painless:: - Remove all date 'now' methods from Painless - Make Painless the Default Language Plugins:: - Plugins cleanup - Rename bin/plugin in bin/elasticsearch-plugin - Change the inner structure of the plugins zip - Remove multicast plugin - Plugins: Remove site plugins Query DSL:: - Lessen leniency of the query dsl. - Function score query: remove deprecated support for boost_factor - Remove support for deprecated queries. REST:: - Change separator for shards preference - Parameter improvements to Cluster Health API wait for shards - Switch indices.exists_type from `{index}/{type}` to `{index}/_mapping/{type}`. - Only use `PUT` for index creation, not POST. - Remove camelCase support - Remove 'case' parameter from rest apis - Disallow unquoted field names - Limit the accepted length of the _id Scripting:: - Hardcode painless as the default scripting lang and add legacy script default for stored scripts - Remove deprecated 1.x script and template syntax - Allow only a single extension for a scripting engine - Remove 'sandbox' option for script settings, allow only registering a single language. Search:: - Rename `fields` to `stored_fields` and add `docvalue_fields` - Remove only node preference - Add search preference to prefer multiple nodes - Add a soft limit on the number of shards that can be queried in a single search request. - Remove deprecated reverse option from sorting - Remove some deprecations - Remove search exists api - Remove the scan and count search types. Search Refactoring:: - Remove deprecated parameter from field sort builder. - Remove "query" query and fix related parsing bugs Settings:: - Default max local storage nodes to one - Persistent Node Names - Remove support for properties - Rename boostrap.mlockall to bootstrap.memory_lock - Register `indices.query.bool.max_clause_count` setting - Remove settings and system properties entanglement - Remove `action.get.realtime` setting - Remove ability to specify arbitrary node attributes with `node.` prefix - Enforce `discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes` is set when bound to a public ip - Prevent index level setting from being configured on a node level - Remove support for node.client setting - Remove es.max-open-files flag - Enforce node level limits if node is started in production env - Make settings validation strict - Remove the ability to fsync on every operation and only schedule fsync task if really needed - Script settings - Remove index.flush_on_close entirely - Restore chunksize of 512kb on recovery and remove configurability - Remove ancient deprecated and alternative recovery settings Similarities:: - Renames `default` similarity into `classic` Snapshot/Restore:: - Change the default of `include_global_state` from true to false for snapshot restores - Fail closing or deleting indices during a full snapshot Stats:: - Modify load average format - Reintroduce five-minute and fifteen-minute load averages on Linux - Add system CPU percent to OS stats Term Vectors:: - Remove DFS support from TermVector API Translog:: - Drop support for simple translog and hard-wire buffer to 8kb - Simplify translog-based flush settings Warmers:: - Remove query warmers and the warmer API. === Breaking Java changes Aggregations:: - getKeyAsString and key_as_string should be the same for terms aggregation on boolean field Allocation:: - Move parsing of allocation commands into REST and remove support for plugins to register allocation commands - Simplify shard balancer interface Analysis:: - Simplify Analysis registration and configuration CRUD:: - Removing isCreated and isFound from the Java API Cache:: - Refactor IndicesRequestCache to make it testable. - Fold IndexCacheModule into IndexModule Core:: - Remove ability to plug-in TransportService - Register thread pool settings - Bootstrap does not set system properties - Remove es.useLinkedTransferQueue Discovery:: - Introduce node handshake - Include pings from client nodes in master election Highlighting:: - Register Highlighter instances instead of classes Internal:: - Remove TransportService#registerRequestHandler leniency - Consolidate search parser registries - Move all FetchSubPhases to o.e.search.fetch.subphase - Squash the rest of o.e.rest.action - Clean up BytesReference - Cleanup ClusterService dependencies and detached from Guice - Simplify SubFetchPhase interface - Simplify FetchSubPhase registration and detach it from Guice - Remove duplicate getters from DiscoveryNode and DiscoveryNodes - Cli: Switch to jopt-simple - Replace ContextAndHeaders with a ThreadPool based ThreadLocal implementation - Remove NodeBuilder - Fix IndexSearcherWrapper interface to not depend on the EngineConfig - Cleanup query parsing and remove IndexQueryParserService - Remove circular dependency between IndicesService and IndicesStore - Remove guice injection from IndexStore and friends - Replace IndicesLifecycle with a per-index IndexEventListener - Simplify similarity module and friends - Refactor SearchRequest to be parsed on the coordinating node Java API:: - Add a dedicated client/transport project for transport-client - Remove setRefresh - Remove the count api - IdsQueryBuilder to accept only non null ids and types Mapping:: - [Mapping] Several MappingService cleanups Network:: - Factor out abstract TCPTransport* classes to reduce the netty footprint - Remove ability to disable Netty gathering writes Parent/Child:: - Cleanup ParentFieldMapper - Several other parent/child cleanups Percolator:: - Move the percolator from core to its own module - Remove percolator cache Plugins:: - Cleanup sub fetch phase extension point - Remove IndexTemplateFilter - Switch custom ShardsAllocators to pull based model - Make custom allocation deciders use pull based extensions - Migrate query registration from push to pull - Add components getter as bridge between guice and new plugin init world - Remove CustomNodeAttributes extension point - Add RepositoryPlugin interface for registering snapshot repositories - Simplified repository api for snapshot/restore - Switch most search extensions from push to pull - Move RestHandler registration to ActionModule and ActionPlugin - Pull actions from plugins - Switch analysis from push to pull - Remove guice from Mapper plugins - Fail to start if plugin tries broken onModule - Simplify ScriptModule and script registration - Cut over settings registration to a pull model - Enforce isolated mode for all plugins - Don't use guice for QueryParsers - Remove guice from the index level - Remove shard-level injector Query DSL:: - Remove the MissingQueryBuilder which was deprecated in 2.2.0. - Remove NotQueryBuilder Scripting:: - Remove o.e.script.Template class and move template query to lang-mustache module - Move search template to lang-mustache module - Remove LeafSearchScript.runAsFloat(): Nothing calls it. Search:: - Remove FetchSubPhaseParseElement - Refactor of query profile classes to make way for other profile implementations - Query refactoring: split parse phase into fromXContent and toQuery for all queries Search Refactoring:: - Refactored inner hits parsing and intoduced InnerHitBuilder - Remove support for query_binary and filter_binary - Validate query api: move query parsing to the coordinating node Settings:: - Remove `node.mode` and `node.local` settings - Remove Settings.settingsBuilder. - Move remaining settings in NettyHttpServerTransport to the new infra - Replace IndexSettings annotation with a full-fledged class - Fix ping timeout settings inconsistencies Snapshot/Restore:: - Removes extra writeBlob method in BlobContainer Store:: - Standardize state format type for global and index level metadata Suggesters:: - Remove suggest threadpool - Remove suggest transport action === Deprecations CRUD:: - Deprecate found and created in delete and index rest responses Plugin Discovery Azure Classic:: - Deprecate discovery-azure and rename it to discovery-azure-classic Plugin Mapper Attachment:: - Deprecate mapper-attachments plugin Query DSL:: - Deprecate Indices query - Deprecate mlt, in and geo_bbox query name shortcuts Query Refactoring:: - Splits `phrase` and `phrase_prefix` in match query into `MatchPhraseQueryBuilder` and `MatchPhrasePrefixQueryBuilder` Scripting:: - Deprecate Groovy, Python, and Javascript Search:: - Deprecate fuzzy query Templates:: - Deprecate template query === New features Aggregations:: - Split regular histograms from date histograms. - Adds aggregation profiling to the profile API - New Matrix Stats Aggregation module Aliases:: - Add an alias action to delete an index Allocation:: - Add API to explain why a shard is or isn't assigned Analysis:: - Exposing lucene 6.x minhash filter. - Add `fingerprint` token filter and `fingerprint` analyzer Circuit Breakers:: - Circuit break on aggregation bucket numbers with request breaker Discovery:: - Add two phased commit to Cluster State publishing Geo:: - Cut over geo_point field and queries to new LatLonPoint type Index APIs:: - Add rollover API to switch index aliases given some predicates Ingest:: - ingest-useragent plugin - Add a Sort ingest processor - Add date_index_name processor - Merge feature/ingest branch into master branch Java REST Client:: - Introduce async performRequest method - Low level Rest Client Mapping:: - Add `scaled_float`. - Expose half-floats. - Add a text field. - Add a new `keyword` field. Percolator:: - index the query terms from the percolator query Plugin Analysis ICU:: - Adding support for customizing the rule file in ICU tokenizer Plugin Discovery File:: - File-based discovery plugin Plugin Ingest Attachment:: - Ingest: Add attachment processor Plugin Mapper Attachment:: - Migrate mapper attachments plugin to main repository Plugin Repository HDFS:: - HDFS Snapshot/Restore plugin Plugin Repository S3:: - Add support for path_style_access Query DSL:: - Adds a rewrite phase to queries on the shard level Reindex API:: - Reindex from remote - Port Delete By Query to Reindex infrastructure - Merge reindex to master Scripting:: - Exceptions and Infinite Loop Checking - Added a new scripting language (PlanA) Scroll:: - Add the ability to partition a scroll in multiple slices. Search:: - Add the ability to disable the retrieval of the stored fields entirely - Add `search_after` parameter in the SearchAPI Settings:: - Add infrastructure to transactionally apply and reset dynamic settings Snapshot/Restore:: - Add Google Cloud Storage repository plugin Stats:: - Extend field stats to report searchable/aggregatable fields - API for listing index file sizes Store:: - Expose MMapDirectory.preLoad(). - Add primitive to shrink an index into a single shard Suggesters:: - Add support for returning documents with completion suggester - Add document-oriented completion suggester Task Manager:: - Add task cancellation mechanism - Make the Task object available to the action caller - Task Management: Add framework for registering and communicating with tasks Translog:: - Add `elasticsearch-translog` CLI tool with `truncate` command === Enhancements Aggregations:: - Make the heuristic to compute the default shard size less aggressive. - Add _bucket_count option to buckets_path - Remove AggregationStreams - Migrate serial_diff aggregation to NamedWriteable - Migrate most remaining pipeline aggregations to NamedWriteable - Migrate moving_avg pipeline aggregation to NamedWriteable - Migrate matrix_stats to NamedWriteable - Migrate derivative pipeline aggregation to NamedWriteable - Migrate top_hits, histogram, and ip_range aggregations to NamedWriteable - Migrate nested, reverse_nested, and children aggregations to NamedWriteable - Migrate geohash_grid and geo_bounds aggregations to NamedWriteable - Clean up significant terms aggregation results - Migrate range, date_range, and geo_distance aggregations to NamedWriteable - Migrate terms aggregation to NamedWriteable - Migrate sampler and missing aggregations to NamedWriteable - Migrate global, filter, and filters aggregation to NamedWriteable - Migrate the cardinality, scripted_metric, and geo_centroid aggregations to NamedWriteable - Use a static default precision for the cardinality aggregation. - Migrate more aggregations to NamedWriteable - Migrate stats and extended stats to NamedWriteable - Migrate sum, min, and max aggregations over to NamedWriteable - Start migration away from aggregation streams - Automatically set the collection mode to breadth_first in the terms aggregation when the cardinality of the field is unknown or smaller than the requested size. - Rename PipelineAggregatorBuilder to PipelineAggregationBuilder. - AggregatorBuilder and PipelineAggregatorBuilder do not need generics. - Rename AggregatorBuilder to AggregationBuilder - Add the ability to use the breadth_first mode with nested aggregations (such as `top_hits`) which require access to score information. - Make significant terms work on fields that are indexed with points. - Add tests and documentation for using `time_zone` in date range aggregation - Fixes serialisation of Ranges Allocation:: - Verify AllocationIDs in replication actions - Mark shard as stale on non-replicated write, not on node shutdown - Add routing changes API to RoutingAllocation - Primary shard allocator observes limits in forcing allocation - Use primary terms as authority to fail shards - Add recovery source to ShardRouting - Allow `_shrink` to N shards if source shards is a multiple of N - Only filter intial recovery (post API) when shrinking an index - Estimate shard size for shrinked indices - Only fail relocation target shard if failing source shard is a primary - Simplify delayed shard allocation - Limit retries of failed allocations per index - Immutable ShardRouting - Add the shard's store status to the explain API - Write shard state metadata as soon as shard is created / initializing - Reuse existing allocation id for primary shard allocation - Remove version in ShardRouting (now obsolete) - Prefer nodes that previously held primary shard for primary shard allocation - Extend reroute with an option to force assign stale primary shard copies - Allocate primary shards based on allocation IDs - Persist currently started allocation IDs to index metadata - Use ObjectParser to parse AllocationID - Persist allocation ID with shard state metadata on nodes Analysis:: - Stop using cached component in _analyze API - Specify custom char_filters/tokenizer/token_filters in the analyze API - Add a MultiTermAwareComponent marker interface to analysis factories. - Add Flags Parameter for Char Filter - Core: better error message when analyzer created without tokenizer or… - Move AsciiFolding earlier in FingerprintAnalyzer filter chain - Improve error message if resource files have illegal encoding Benchmark:: - Add client-benchmark-noop-api-plugin to stress clients even more in benchmarks CAT API:: - Add health status parameter to cat indices API - Includes the index UUID in the _cat/indices API - Add node name to Cat Recovery - Add support for documented byte/size units and for micros as a time unit in _cat API - Add _cat/tasks - Cat health supports ts=0 option - Expose http address in cat/nodes - [cat/recovery] Make recovery time a TimeValue() - :CAT API: remove space at the end of a line CRUD:: - Renaming operation to result and reworking responses - Adding _operation field to index, update, delete response. - CRUD: Allow to get and set ttl as a time value/string Cache:: - Enable option to use request cache for size > 0 - Cache FieldStats in the request cache - Allow the query cache to be disabled. - Enable the indices request cache by default Circuit Breakers:: - Cluster Settings Updates should not trigger circuit breakers. - Circuit break the number of inline scripts compiled per minute Cluster:: - Add clusterUUID to RestMainAction output - Batch process node left and node failure - Index creation waits for write consistency shards - Inline reroute with process of node join/master election - Index creation does not cause the cluster health to go RED - Cluster Health class improvements - Adds tombstones to cluster state for index deletions - Enable acked indexing - Cluster Health should run on applied states, even if waitFor=0 - Resolve index names to Index instances early - Remove DiscoveryNode#shouldConnectTo method - Fail demoted primary shards and retry request - Illegal shard failure requests - Shard failure requests for non-existent shards - Add handling of channel failures when starting a shard - Wait for new master when failing shard - Master should wait on cluster state publication when failing a shard - Split cluster state update tasks into roles - Add timeout mechanism for sending shard failures - Add listener mechanism for failures to send shard failed Core:: - Add production warning for pre-release builds - Add serial collector bootstrap check - Rename Netty TCP transports thread factories from http_* to transport_* - Do not log full bootstrap checks exception - Mark halting the virtual machine as privileged - Makes index creation more friendly - Clearer error when handling fractional time values - Read Elasticsearch manifest via URL - Throw if the local node is not set - Bootstrap check for OnOutOfMemoryError and seccomp - Log OS and JVM on startup - Add GC overhead logging - Refactor JvmGcMonitorService for testing - Default to server VM and add client VM check - Add system bootstrap checks escape hatch - Avoid sliced locked contention in internal engine - Add heap size bootstrap check - Remove hostname from NetworkAddress.format - Bootstrapping bootstrap checks - Add max map count check - Remove PROTOTYPE from BulkItemResponse.Failure - Throw an exception if Writeable.Reader reads null - Remove PROTOTYPE from RescorerBuilders - Port Primary Terms to master - Use index UUID to lookup indices on IndicesService - Add -XX+AlwaysPreTouch JVM flag - Add max size virtual memory check - Use and test relative time in TransportBulkAction - Bump Elasticsearch version to 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT - Assert that we can write in all data-path on startup - Add G1GC check on startup - Shards with heavy indexing should get more of the indexing buffer - Remove and ban ImmutableMap - Finish banning ImmutableSet - Removes and bans ImmutableSet - Remove and ban ImmutableMap#entrySet - Forbid ForwardingSet Dates:: - Improve TimeZoneRoundingTests error messages - Support full range of Java Long for epoch DateTime Discovery:: - Do not log cluster service errors at after joining a master - Log warning if minimum_master_nodes set to less than quorum - Add a dedicate queue for incoming ClusterStates Engine:: - Only try to read new segments info if we really flushed the index - Use _refresh instead of reading from Translog in the RT GET case - Remove writeLockTimeout from InternalEngine - Don't guard IndexShard#refresh calls by a check to isRefreshNeeded - Never call a listerner under lock in InternalEngine - Use System.nanoTime() to initialize Engine.lastWriteNanos - Flush big merges automatically if shard is inactive - Remove Engine.Create - Remove the disabled autogenerated id optimization from InternalEngine Exceptions:: - Improve startup exception - Make NotMasterException a first class citizen - Do not catch throwable - Make the index-too-old exception more explicit - Add index name in IndexAlreadyExistsException default message - Fix typos in exception/assert/log messages in core module. - Add field names to several mapping errors - Add serialization support for more important IOExceptions - Adds exception objects to log messages. - Add stack traces to logged exceptions where missing - Remove reflection hacks from ElasticsearchException - Rename QueryParsingException to a more generic ParsingException - Add *Exception(Throwable cause) constructors/ call where appropriate Expressions:: - improve date api for expressions/painless fields - Support geo_point fields in lucene expressions - Add support for .empty to expressions, and some docs improvements Geo:: - GeoBoundingBoxQueryBuilder should throw IAE when topLeft and bottomRight are the same coordinate - Enhanced lat/long error handling - Fix a potential parsing problem in GeoDistanceSortParser - Geo: Add validation of shapes to ShapeBuilders - Make remaining ShapeBuilders implement Writeable - Geo: Remove internal `translated` flag from LineStringBuilder - Make PointBuilder, CircleBuilder & EnvelopeBuilder implement Writable - Merging BaseLineString and BasePolygonBuilder with subclass - Moving static factory methods to ShapeBuilders - Remove InternalLineStringBuilder and InternalPolygonBuilder Highlighting:: - Switch Highlighting to ObjectParser - Use HighlightBuilder in SearchSourceBuilder - Joint parsing of common global Hightlighter and subfield parameters - Enable HighlightBuilder to create SearchContextHighlight - Add fromXContent method to HighlightBuilder Index APIs:: - Add date-math support to `_rollover` - Add Shrink request source parser to parse create index request body - Fail hot_threads in a better way if unsupported by JDK Index Templates:: - Add "version" field to Templates - Parse and validate mappings on index template creation Ingest:: - Add "version" field to Pipelines - Make it possible for Ingest Processors to access AnalysisRegistry - add ignore_missing option to convert,trim,lowercase,uppercase,grok,rename - Add support for parameters to the script ingest processor - introduce the JSON Processor - Allow rename processor to turn leaf fields into branch fields - remove ability to set field value in script-processor configuration - Add REST _ingest/pipeline to get all pipelines - Show ignored errors in verbose simulate result - update foreach processor to only support one applied processor. - Skip the execution of an empty pipeline - Add `ignore_failure` option to all ingest processors - new ScriptProcessor for Ingest - Expose underlying processor to blame for thrown exception within CompoundProcessor - Avoid string concatentation in IngestDocument.FieldPath - add ability to specify multiple grok patterns - add ability to disable ability to override values of existing fields in set processor - Streamline option naming for several processors - add automatic type conversion support to ConvertProcessor - Give the foreach processor access to the rest of the document - Added ingest statistics to node stats API - Add `ingest_took` to bulk response - Add ingest info to node info API, which contains a list of available processors - Use diffs for ingest metadata in cluster state - hide null-valued metadata fields from WriteableIngestDocument#toXContent - Ingest: use bulk thread pool for bulk request processing (was index before) - Add foreach processor - revert PipelineFactoryError handling with throwing ElasticsearchParseException in ingest pipeline creation - Add processor tags to on_failure metadata in ingest pipeline - catch processor/pipeline factory exceptions and return structured error responses - Ingest: move get/put/delete pipeline methods to ClusterAdminClient - Geoip processor: remove redundant latitude and longitude fields and make location an object with lat and lon subfields Inner Hits:: - Change scriptFields member in InnerHitBuilder to set Internal:: - Remove poor-mans compression in InternalSearchHit and friends - Don't register SearchTransportService handlers more than once - Unguice SearchModule - Deguice SearchService and friends - NodeStats classes to implement Writeable rather then Streamable - More info classes to implement Writeable rather than Streamable - Internal: Split disk threshold monitoring from decider - Switching LockObtainFailedException over to ShardLockObtainFailedException - update and delete by query requests to implement IndicesRequest.Replaceable - VersionFetchSubPhase should not use Versions#loadDocIdAndVersion - Remove useless PK lookup in IndicesTTLService - ignore some docker craziness in seccomp environment checks - Make Priority an enum - Snapshot UUIDs in blob names - Add RestController method for deprecating in one step - Tighten ensure atomic move cleanup - Enable checkstyle ModifierOrder - Expose task information from NodeClient - Changed rest handler interface to take NodeClient - Deprecate ExceptionsHelper.detailedMessage - Factor out ChannelBuffer from BytesReference - Cleanup Compressor interface - Hot methods redux - Remove forked joda time BaseDateTime class - Support optional ctor args in ConstructingObjectParser - Remove thread pool from page cache recycler - Do not automatically close XContent objects/arrays - Remove use of a Fields class in snapshot responses - Removes multiple toXContent entry points for SnapshotInfo - Removes unused methods in the o/e/common/Strings class - Determine content length eagerly in HttpServer - Consolidate query generation in QueryShardContext - Make reset in QueryShardContext private - Remove Strings#splitStringToArray - Add toString() to GetResponse - ConstructingObjectParser adapts ObjectParser for ctor args - Makes Script type writeable - FiltersAggregatorBuilder: Don't create new context for inner parsing - Clean up serialization on some stats - Normalize registration for SignificanceHeuristics - Make (read|write)NamedWriteable public - Use try-with-resource when creating new parser instances where possible - Don't pass XContentParser to ParseFieldRegistry#lookup - Internal: Remove threadlocal from document parser - Cut range aggregations to registerAggregation - Remove ParseFieldMatcher from AbstractXContentParser - Remove parser argument from methods where we already pass in a parse context - Switch SearchAfterBuilder to writeGenericValue - Remove StreamableReader - Cleanup nested, has_child & has_parent query builders for inner hits construction - Make AllocationCommands NamedWriteables - Isolate StreamableReader - Create registration methods for aggregations similar to those for queries - Remove PROTOTYPEs from QueryBuilders - Remove registerQueryParser - ParseField#getAllNamesIncludedDeprecated to not return duplicate names - Rework a query parser and improve registration - Clean up QueryParseContext and don't hold it inside QueryRewrite/ShardContext - Remove PROTOTYPE from MLT.Item - Remove PROTOTYPE from VersionType - Remove PROTOTYPEs from highlighting - Remove PROTOTYPEs from ingest - Start to rework query registration - Factor out slow logs into Search and IndexingOperationListeners - Remove PROTOTYPE from Suggesters - Remove PROTOTYPE from SortBuilders - Remove PROTOTYPE from ShapeBuilders - Replace FieldStatsProvider with a method on MappedFieldType. - Stop using PROTOTYPE in NamedWriteableRegistry - Support scheduled commands in current context - Thread limits - Remove leniency from segments info integrity checks - Rename SearchServiceTransportAction to SearchTransportService - Decouple the TransportService and ClusterService - Refactor bootstrap checks - Add LifecycleRunnable - Hot inlined methods in your area - Move IndicesQueryCache and IndicesRequestCache into IndicesService - Forbid use of java.security.MessageDigest#clone() - Make IndicesWarmer a private class of IndexService - Simplify IndicesFieldDataCache and detach from guice - Uppercase ells ('L') in long literals - ShardId equality and hash code inconsistency - Ensure all resources are closed on Node#close() - Make index uuid available in Index, ShardRouting & ShardId - Move RefreshTask into IndexService and use since task per index - Make IndexingMemoryController private to IndicesService - Cleanup IndexingOperationListeners infrastructure - Remove and forbid use of j.u.c.ThreadLocalRandom - Fix IntelliJ query builder type inference issues - Remove and forbid use of Collections#shuffle(List) and Random#() - Remove and forbid use of the type-unsafe empty Collections fields - Move IndicesService.canDeleteShardContent to use IndexSettings - Simplify MonitorService construction and detach from guice - Use Supplier for StreamInput#readOptionalStreamable - Add variable-length long encoding - Extend usage of IndexSetting class - Fold SimilarityModule into IndexModule - Move to lucene BoostQuery - Use built-in method for computing hash code of longs - Refactor ShardFailure listener infrastructure - Add methods for variable-length encoding integral arrays - Fold IndexAliasesService into IndexService - Remove unneeded Module abstractions - Query refactoring: simplify IndexQueryParserService parse methods - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.collect.Iterators - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.collect.ImmutableCollection - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.io.Resources - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.hash.* - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.net.InetAddresses - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.collect.EvictingQueue - Replace Guava cache with simple concurrent LRU cache - Remove ClusterSerivce and IndexSettingsService dependency from IndexShard - Start making RecoverySourceHandler unittestable - Remove IndexService dep. from IndexShard - Remove ES internal deletion policies in favour of Lucenes implementations - Move ShardTermVectorService to be on indices level as TermVectorService - Move ShardPercolateService creation into IndexShard - Remove `ExpressionScriptCompilationException` and `ExpressionScriptExecutionException` - Reduced the number of ClusterStateUpdateTask variants - Add a BaseParser helper for stream parsing - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.primitives.Ints - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.math.LongMath - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.base.Joiner - Replace and ban next batch of Guava classes - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.collect.Iterables - Replace LoadingCache usage with a simple ConcurrentHashMap - Use Supplier instead of Reflection - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.base.Preconditions - Remove and forbid use of guava Function, Charsets, Collections2 - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSortedMap - Remove and forbid use of several com.google.common.util. classes - Cleanup SearchRequest & SearchRequestBuilder - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.collect.Queues - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.base.Preconditions#checkNotNull - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.collect.Sets - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.collect.Maps - Remove use of underscore as an identifier - Remove and forbid the use of com.google.common.base.Predicate(s)? - This commit removes com.google.common.io Java API:: - Ensure PutMappingRequest.buildFromSimplifiedDef input are pairs - Start from a random node number so that clients do not overload the first node configured - Switch QueryBuilders to new MatchPhraseQueryBuilder - Improve adding clauses to `span_near` and `span_or` query - QueryBuilder does not need generics. - Remove copy constructors from request classes and TransportMessage type Java REST Client:: - Add support for a RestClient path prefix - Add "Async" to the end of each Async RestClient method - Allow RestClient to send array-based headers - Add response body to ResponseException error message - Simplify Sniffer initialization and automatically create the default HostsSniffer - Remove duplicate dependency declaration for http client - Add callback to customize http client settings - Rest Client: add short performRequest method variants without params and/or body Logging:: - Ensure logging is initialized in CLI tools - Give useful error message if log config is missing - Complete Elasticsearch logger names - Add node name to decider trace logging - Logging shutdown hack - Disable console logging - Skip loading of jansi from log4j2 - Configure AWS SDK logging configuration - Warn if unsupported logging configuration present - Size limit deprecation logs - Increase visibility of deprecation logger - Add log message about enforcing bootstrap checks - Improve logging for batched cluster state updates - Send HTTP Warning Header(s) for any Deprecation Usage from a REST request - Throw IllegalStateException when handshake fails due to version or cluster mismatch Mapping:: - Automatically downgrade text and keyword to string on indexes imported from 2.x - Do not parse numbers as both strings and numbers when not included in `_all`. - Don't index the `_version` field - The root object mapper should support updating `numeric_detection`, `date_detection` and `dynamic_date_formats`. - Automatically upgrade analyzed string fields that have `index_options` or `position_increment_gap` set. - Mappings: Support dots in field names in mapping parsing - Save one utf8 conversion in KeywordFieldMapper. - Do not parse the created version from the settings every time a field is parsed. - Elasticsearch should reject dynamic templates with unknown `match_mapping_type`. - Upgrade `string` fields to `text`/`keyword` even if `include_in_all` is set. - Adds a methods to find (and dynamically create) the mappers for the parents of a field with dots in the field name - Automatically upgrade analyzed strings with an analyzer to `text`. - Support dots in field names when mapping already exists - Use the new points API to index numeric fields. - Simplify AllEntries, AllField and AllFieldMapper: - Make `parseMultiField` part of `parseField`. - Automatically add a sub keyword field to string dynamic mappings. - Remove friction from the mapping changes in 5.0. - Rework norms parameters for 5.0. - Moved dynamic field handling in doc parsing to end of parsing - Remove the MapperBuilders utility class. - Make the `index` property a boolean. - Remove the ability to enable doc values with the `fielddata.format` setting. - Be stricter about parsing boolean values in mappings. - Fix default doc values to be enabled when a field is not indexed. - Dynamically map floating-point numbers as floats instead of doubles. - Simplify MetaDataMappingService. - Remove MergeMappingException. Network:: - Avoid early initializing Netty - Network: Allow to listen on virtual interfaces. - Explicitly tell Netty to not use unsafe - Enable Netty 4 extensions - Modularize netty - Simplify TcpTransport interface by reducing send code to a single send method - Do not start scheduled pings until transport start Packaging:: - Add quiet option to disable console logging - Explicitly disable Netty key set replacement - Remove explicit parallel new GC flag - Use JAVA_HOME or java.exe in PATH like the Linux scripts do - Don't mkdir directly in deb init script - Increase default heap size to 2g - Switch init.d scripts to use bash - Switch scripts to use bash - Further simplifications of plugin script - Pass ES_JAVA_OPTS to JVM for plugins script - Remove unnecessary sleep from init script restart - Explicitly set packaging permissions - rpm uses non-portable `--system` flag to `useradd` - Adding JAVA_HOME to documents and env config file - Added RPM metadata - Elasticsearch ownership for data, logs, and configs - Fail early on JDK with compiler bug - Make security non-optional - Remove RuntimePermission("accessDeclaredMembers") - Remove Guava as a dependency - Remove Guava as a dependency Percolator:: - Also support query term extract for queries wrapped inside a FunctionScoreQuery - Add support for synonym query to percolator query term extraction - Add percolator query extraction support for dismax query - Improve percolate query performance by not verifying certain candidate matches - Improve percolator query term extraction - PercolatorQueryBuilder cleanup by using MemoryIndex#fromDocument(...) helper - Add scoring support to the percolator query - Add query extract support for the blended term query and the common terms query - Add support for several span queries in ExtractQueryTermsService - Add support for TermsQuery in ExtractQueryTermsService - Replace percolate APIs with a percolator query Plugin Analysis Kuromoji:: - Add nbest options and NumberFilter Plugin Discovery EC2:: - Use `DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain` AWS SDK class for credentials - Support new Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 AWS region - Add support for proxy authentication for s3 and ec2 Plugin Discovery GCE:: - Allow `_gce_` network when not using discovery gce Plugin Ingest Attachment:: - Minor attachment processor improvements Plugin Lang Painless:: - Disable regexes by default in painless - Catch OutOfMemory and StackOverflow errors in Painless - Change Painless Tree Structure for Variable/Method Chains - Add replaceAll and replaceFirst - Painless Initializers - Add augmentation - Infer lambda arguments/return type - Fix explicit casts and improve tests. - Add lambda captures - improve Debugger to print code even if it hits exception - Move semicolon hack into lexer - Add flag support to regexes - improve lambda syntax (allow single expression) - Remove useless dropArguments in megamorphic cache - non-capturing lambda support - fix bugs in operators and more improvements for the dynamic case - improve unary operators and cleanup tests - Add support for the find operator (=~) and the match operator (==~) - Remove casts and boxing for dynamic math - Refactor def math - Add support for /regex/ - Array constructor references - Method references to user functions - Add } as a delimiter. - Add Lambda Stub Node - Add capturing method references - Add Functions to Painless - Add Method to Get New MethodWriters - Static For Each - Method reference support - Add support for the new Java 9 MethodHandles#arrayLength() factory - Improve painless compile-time exceptions - add java.time packages to painless whitelist - Add Function Reference Stub to Painless - improve painless whitelist coverage of java api - Definition cleanup - Made def variable casting consistent with invokedynamic rules - Use Java 9 Indy String Concats, if available - Add method overloading based on arity - Refactor WriterUtils to extend ASM GeneratorAdapter - Whitelist expansion - Remove boxing when loading and storing values in "def" fields/arrays, remove boxing onsimple method calls of "def" methods - Some cleanups - Use isAssignableFrom instead of relying on ClassCastException - Build descriptor of array and field load/store in code - Rename the dynamic call site factory to DefBootstrap - Cleanup of DynamicCallSite - Improve exception stacktraces - Make Line Number Available in Painless - Remove input, support params instead - Decouple ANTLR AST from Painless - _value support in painess? - Long priority over Float - _score as double, not float - Add 'ctx' keyword to painless. - Painless doc access - Retrieve _score directly from Scorer - Implement needsScore() correctly. - Add synthetic length property as alias to Lists, so they can be used like arrays - Use better typing for dynamic method calls - Array load/store and length with invokedynamic - Switch painless dynamic calls to invokedynamic, remove perf hack/cheat - Add fielddata accessors (.value/.values/.distance()/etc) - painless: optimize/simplify dynamic field and method access - Painless: Single-Quoted Strings - Painless Clean Up - Make Painless a Module - Minor Clean up - Remove Extra String Concat Token Plugin Mapper Attachment:: - minor attachments cleanups: IDE test support and EPUB format Plugin Mapper Size:: - Add doc values support to the _size field in the mapper-size plugin Plugin Repository Azure:: - Support global `repositories.azure.` settings - Add timeout settings (default to 5 minutes) - Remove AbstractLegacyBlobContainer Plugin Repository HDFS:: - merge current hdfs improvements to master Plugin Repository S3:: - Extract AWS Key from KeyChain instead of using potential null value - Check that S3 setting `buffer_size` is always lower than `chunk_size` Plugins:: - Revert "Display plugins versions" - Provide error message when plugin id is missing - Print message when removing plugin with config - Plugins: Update official plugin location with unified release - Allow plugins to upgrade global custom metadata on startup - Switch aggregations from push to pull - Display plugins versions - Add ScriptService to dependencies available for plugin components - Make NamedWriteableRegistry immutable and add extension point for named writeables - Log one plugin info per line - Make rest headers registration pull based - Add resource watcher to services available for plugin components - Add some basic services to createComponents for plugins - Make plugins closeable - Plugins: Add status bar on download - Add did-you-mean for plugin cli - Plugins: Remove name() and description() from api - Emit nicer error message when trying to install unknown plugin - Add plugin information for Verbose mode - Cli: Improve output for usage errors - Cli: Add verbose output with zip url when installing plugin - PluginManager: Add xpack as official plugin - CliTool: Cleanup and document Terminal - Plugin cli: Improve maven coordinates detection - Enforce plugin zip does not contain zip entries outside of the plugin dir - CliTool: Allow unexpected exceptions to propagate - Reduce complexity of plugin cli - Remove Plugin.onIndexService. - Open up QueryCache and SearcherWrapper extension points Query DSL:: - Throw exception when multiple field names are provided as part of query short syntax - Query parsers to throw exception when multiple field names are provided - Allow empty json object in request body in `_count` API - Treat zero token in `common` terms query as MatchNoDocsQuery - Handle empty query bodies at parse time and remove EmptyQueryBuilder - Enforce MatchQueryBuilder#maxExpansions() to be strictly positive - Don't allow `fuzziness` for `multi_match` types `cross_fields`, `phrase` and `phrase_prefix` - Add MatchNoDocsQuery, a query that matches no documents and prints the reason why in the toString method. - Adds `ignore_unmapped` option to geo queries - Adds `ignore_unmapped` option to nested and P/C queries - SimpleQueryParser should call MappedFieldType.termQuery when appropriate. - An `exists` query on an object should query a single term. - Function Score Query: make parsing stricter - Parsers should throw exception on unknown objects - UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS fix Query Refactoring:: - Add infrastructure to rewrite query builders - Switch geo validation to enum REST:: - Add a REST spec for the create API - Add response params to REST params did you mean - Add did you mean to strict REST params - Add exclusion support to response filtering - Only write forced_refresh if we forced a refresh - Add Location header to the index, update, and create APIs - Add support for `wait_for_events` to the `_cluster/health` REST endpoint - Rename Search Template REST spec names - Adding status field in _msearch error request bodies - Add semicolon query string parameter delimiter - Enable HTTP compression by default with compression level 3 - Allow JSON with unquoted field names by enabling system property - More robust handling of CORS HTTP Access Control - Add option to exclude based on paths in XContent Recovery:: - Pass on maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp on recovery / relocation - Non-blocking primary relocation hand-off - index shard should be able to cancel check index on close. - TransportNodesListGatewayStartedShards should fall back to disk based index metadata if not found in cluster state - Recover broken IndexMetaData as closed - Relocation source should be marked as relocating before starting recovery to primary relocation target - Operation counter for IndexShard - Primary relocation handoff - Remove recovery threadpools and throttle outgoing recoveries on the master - Refactor StoreRecoveryService to be a simple package private util class Reindex API:: - Only ask for `_version` we need it - Use fewer threads when reindexing-from-remote - Support authentication with reindex-from-remote - Support requests_per_second=-1 to mean no throttling in reindex - Implement ctx.op = "delete" on _update_by_query and _reindex - Make Reindex cancellation tests more uniform - Makes DeleteByQueryRequest implements IndicesRequest - Teach reindex to retry on search failures - Remove ReindexResponse in favor of BulkIndexByScrollResponse - Stricter validation of Reindex's requests_per_second - Properly mark reindex's child tasks as child tasks - Make reindex throttling dynamic - Throttling support for reindex - Add ingest pipeline support to reindex Scripting:: - Parse script on storage instead of on retrieval - Migrate elasticsearch native script examples to the main repo - Remove ClusterState from compile api - Mustache: Render Map as JSON - Compile each Groovy script in its own classloader - Include script field even if it value is null - Skipping hidden files compilation for script service - Rename Plan A to Painless - Add plumbing for script compile-time parameters - Factor mustache -> modules/lang-mustache Scroll:: - Add an index setting to limit the maximum number of slices allowed in a scroll request. Search:: - Limit batch size when scrolling - Record method counts while profiling query components - Change default similarity to BM25 - Add a parameter to cap the number of searches the msearch api will concurrently execute - Introduces GeoValidationMethod to GeoDistanceSortBuilder - Switches from empty boolean query to matchNoDocs - Allow binary sort values. - Fail query if it contains very large rescores - Type filters should not have a performance impact when there is a single type. - Store _all payloads on 1 byte instead of 4. - Refuse to load fields from _source when using the `fields` option and support wildcards. - Add response into ClearScrollResponse - Shuffle shards for _only_nodes + support multiple specifications like cluster API Search Refactoring:: - Removes the now obsolete SearchParseElement implementations - Remove RescoreParseElement - Remove HighlighterParseElement - Move top level parsing of sort element to SortBuilder - Switch to using refactored SortBuilder instead of using BytesReference in serialization - Add build() method to SortBuilder implementations - Refactoring of Suggestions - Move sort `order` field up into SortBuilder - Moves SortParser:parse(...) to only require QueryShardContext - Change internal representation of suggesters - Make GeoDistanceSortBuilder serializable, 2nd try - Move missing() from SortBuilder interface to class - Remove deprecated parameters from ScriptSortBuilder - Refactor GeoSortBuilder - Refactor FieldSortBuilder - Make sort order enum writable. - Make DistanceUnit writable. - RescoreBuilder: Add parsing and creating of RescoreSearchContext - Make RescoreBuilder and nested QueryRescorer Writable - Explain api: move query parsing to the coordinating node - Switch query parsers to use ParseField - Refactoring of Aggregations Sequence IDs:: - Persist sequence number checkpoints - Add sequence numbers to cat shards API Settings:: - Add precise logging on unknown or invalid settings - Make `action.auto_create_index` setting a dynamic cluster setting - Removes space between # and the setting in elasticsearch.yml - Validates new dynamic settings from the current state - Improve error message if a setting is not found - Cleanup placeholder replacement - Switch to registered Settings for all IndexingMemoryController settings - Add guard against null-valued settings - Useful error message for null property placeholder - Archive cluster level settings if unknown or broken - Improve error message if setting is not found - Improve upgrade experience of node level index settings - Settings with complex matchers should not overlap - Moves GCE settings to the new infra - Add filtering support within Setting class - Migrate AWS settings to new settings infrastructure - Remove `gateway.initial_meta` and always rely on min master nodes - Rewrite SettingsFilter to be immutable - Simplify azure settings - Convert PageCacheRecycler settings - Monitor settings - Cut over tribe node settings to new settings infra - Convert multcast plugin settings to the new infra - Convert `request.headers.*` to the new settings infra - Migrate Azure settings to new settings infrastructure - Validate logger settings and allow them to be reset via API - Switch NodeEnvironment's settings to new settings - Simplify AutoCreateIndex and add more tests - Convert several pending settings - Migrate query caching settings to the new settings infra. - Convert `action.auto_create_index` and `action.master.force_local` to the new settings infra - Convert `cluster.routing.allocation.type` and `processors` to the new settings infra. - Validate tribe node settings on startup - Move node.client, node.data, node.master, node.local and node.mode to new settings infra - Moved http settings to the new settings infrastructure - Migrate network service to the new infra - Convert client.transport settings to new infra - Move discovery.* settings to new Setting infrastructure - Change over to o.e.common.settings.Setting for http settings - Convert "path.*" and "pidfile" to new settings infra - Migrate repository settings to the new settings API - Convert "indices.*" settings to new infra. - Migrate gateway settings to the new settings API. - Convert several node and test level settings - Run Metadata upgrade tool on every version - Check for invalid index settings on metadata upgrade - Validate the settings key if it's simple chars separated by `.` - Validate known global settings on startup - Cut over all index scope settings to the new setting infrastrucuture - Remove updatability of `index.flush_on_close` - Move all dynamic settings and their config classes to the index level - Always require units for bytes and time settings - Make MetaData parsing less lenient. - Move async translog sync logic into IndexService - Remove `index.merge.scheduler.notify_on_failure` and default to `true` - Remove cache concurrency level settings that no longer apply Similarities:: - Defining a global default similarity Snapshot/Restore:: - Delete differing files in the store before restoring - Adds ignoreUnavailable option to the snapshot status API - Check restores in progress before deleting a snapshot - Snapshot repository cleans up empty index folders - BlobContainer#writeBlob no longer can overwrite a blob - More resilient blob handling in snapshot repositories - Adding repository index generational files - Raised IOException on deleteBlob - Adds UUIDs to snapshots - Clarify the semantics of the BlobContainer interface - Change BlobPath.buildAsString() method - Remove the Snapshot class in favor of using SnapshotInfo Stats:: - Add mem section back to cluster stats - Add network types to cluster stats - Add missing field type in the FieldStats response. - Expose the ClusterInfo object in the allocation explain output - Add total_indexing_buffer/_in_bytes to nodes info API - Allow FieldStatsRequest to disable cache - Remove index_writer_max_memory stat from segment stats - Move DocStats under Engine to get more accurate numbers - Do not return fieldstats information for fields that exist in the mapping but not in the index. - Add whether the shard state fetch is pending to the allocation explain API - Add Failure Details to every NodesResponse - Add I/O statistics on Linux - Add points to SegmentStats. - Remove FieldStats.Float. - Show configured and remaining delay for an unassigned shard. - indexing stats now contain indexing ops from recovery [ISSUE] - Normalize unavailable load average - Add load averages to OS stats on FreeBSD - Expose pending cluster state queue size in node stats Store:: - Use `mmapfs` by default. - Remove support for legacy checksums - Rename index folder to index_uuid Suggesters:: - Move SuggestUtils methods to their respective caller classes - Remove payload option from completion suggester - Add bwc support for reading pre-5.0 completion index Task Manager:: - Rename Task Persistence into Storing Task Results - Fetch result when wait_for_completion - Create get task API that falls back to the .tasks index - Add ability to store results for long running tasks - Move parentTaskId into TransportRequest - Shorten the serialization of the empty TaskId - Expose whether a task is cancellable in the _tasks list API - Add ability to group tasks by common parent - Add start time and duration to tasks - Combine node name and task id into single string task id - Add task status - Extend tracking of parent tasks to master node, replication and broadcast actions Translog:: - Fsync documents in an async fashion - Add checksumming and versions to the Translog's Checkpoint files - Beef up Translog testing with random channel exceptions - Do not replay into translog on local recovery - FSync translog outside of the writers global lock - Remove ChannelReference and simplify Views - Simplify TranslogWriter to always write to a stream - Remove TranslogService and fold it into synchronous IndexShard API === Bug fixes Aggregations:: - Fixed writeable name from range to geo_distance - Fix date_range aggregation to not cache if now is used - The `top_hits` aggregation should compile scripts only once. - Fix agg profiling when using breadth_first collect mode - Throw exception when maxBounds greater than minBounds - Undeprecates `aggs` in the search request - Change how `nested` and `reverse_nested` aggs know about their nested depth level - Make ExtendedBounds immutable - Aggregations fix: support include/exclude strings for IP and dates - Fix xcontent rendering of ip terms aggs. - Improving parsing of sigma param for Extended Stats Bucket Aggregation - Fixes NPE when no window is specified in moving average request - Fixes Filter and FiltersAggregation to work with empty query - Fixes the defaults for `keyed` in the percentiles aggregations - Correct typo in class name of StatsAggregator Allocation:: - Keep a shadow replicas' allocation id when it is promoted to primary - IndicesClusterStateService should clean local started when re-assigns an initializing shard with the same aid - IndexRoutingTable.initializeEmpty shouldn't override supplied primary RecoverySource - Update incoming recoveries stats when shadow replica is reinitialized - `index.routing.allocation.initial_recovery` limits replica allocation - Upon being elected as master, prefer joins' node info to existing cluster state - Fix NPE when initializing replica shard has no UnassignedInfo - Make shard store fetch less dependent on the current cluster state, both on master and non data nodes - Fix recovery throttling to properly handle relocating non-primary shards - Replica shards must be failed before primary shards Analysis:: - Named analyzer should close the analyzer that it wraps - Can load non-PreBuiltTokenFilter in Analyze API - Fix analyzer alias processing Bulk:: - Add not-null precondition check in BulkRequest CAT API:: - Fixes cat tasks operation in detailed mode - Add index pattern wildcards support to _cat/shards CRUD:: - GET operations should not extract fields from `_source`. - Squash a race condition in RefreshListeners - Prevent TransportReplicationAction to route request based on stale local routing table - Resolves the conflict between alias routing and parent routing by applying the alias routing and ignoring the parent routing. Cache:: - Prevent requests that use scripts or now() from being cached - Serialize index boost and phrase suggest collation keys in a consistent order Circuit Breakers:: - Never trip circuit breaker in liveness request - Free bytes reserved on request breaker Cluster:: - Fixes issue with dangling index being deleted instead of re-imported - Allow routing table to be filtered by index pattern - Use executor's describeTasks method to log task information in cluster service - Acknowledge index deletion requests based on standard cluster state acknowledgment - Dangling indices are not imported if a tombstone for the index exists - Fix issue with tombstones matching active indices in cluster state - Shard state action channel exceptions Core:: - Makes `m` case sensitive in TimeValue - Guard against negative result from FileStore.getUsableSpace when picking data path for a new shard - Handle rejected execution exception on reschedule - Fix concurrency bug in IMC that could cause it to check too infrequently - Iterables.flatten should not pre-cache the first iterator - Avoid race while retiring executors - Refactor UUID-generating methods out of Strings - Node names cleanup - NullPointerException from IndexingMemoryController when a version conflict happens during recovery - Handle RejectedExecution gracefully in TransportService during shutdown Discovery:: - Update discovery nodes after cluster state is published - Add current cluster state version to zen pings and use them in master election Engine:: - Take refresh IOExceptions into account when catching ACE in InternalEngine - Don't suppress AlreadyClosedException Expressions:: - replace ScriptException with a better one Geo:: - Incomplete results when using geo_distance for large distances [ISSUE] - Fix multi-field support for GeoPoint types - Enforce distance in distance query is > 0 [ISSUE] Highlighting:: - Enable BoostingQuery with FVH highlighter Index APIs:: - Fixes active shard count check in the case of `all` shards - Add zero-padding to auto-generated rollover index name increment Ingest:: - no null values in ingest configuration error messages - JSON Processor was not properly added - Don't rebuild pipeline on every cluster state update - Add dotexpander processor - Fix NPE when simulating a pipeline with no id - Change foreach processor to use ingest metadata for array element - No other processors should be executed after on_failure is called - rethrow script compilation exceptions into ingest configuration exceptions - Rename from `ingest-useragent` plugin to `ingest-user-agent` and its processor from `useragent` to `user_agent` - Fix ignore_failure behavior in _simulate?verbose and more cleanup - Pipeline Stats: Fix concurrent modification exception - Validate properties values according to database type - Ingest does not close its factories - Handle regex parsing errors in Gsub and Grok Processors - add on_failure exception metadata to ingest document for verbose simulate - The IngestDocument copy constructor should make a deep copy Inner Hits:: - Ensure that that InnerHitBuilder uses rewritten queries Internal:: - Prevent AbstractArrays from release bytes more than once - IndicesAliasesRequest should not implement CompositeIndicesRequest - Ensure elasticsearch doesn't start with unuspported indices - Remove ListTasksResponse#setDiscoveryNodes() - Priority values should be unmodifiable - Extract AbstractBytesReferenceTestCase - Add XPointValues - Fix BulkItemResponse.Failure.toString - Enable unmap hack for java 9 - Fix issues with failed cache loads - Allow parser to move on the START_OBJECT token when parsing search source - Ensure searcher is release if wrapping fails - Avoid deadlocks in Cache#computeIfAbsent Java API:: - fix IndexResponse#toString to print out shards info - Add NamedWriteables from plugins to TransportClient - Fix potential NPE in SearchSourceBuilder Java REST Client:: - Rest Client: add slash to log line when missing between host and uri - Rest Client: HostsSniffer to set http as default scheme Logging:: - Fix logger when you can not create an azure storage client - Avoid unnecessary creation of prefix loggers - Fix logging hierarchy configs - Fix prefix logging - Hack around Log4j bug rendering exceptions - Avoid prematurely triggering logger initialization - Only log running out of slots when out of slots Mapping:: - Allow position_gap_increment for fields in indices created prior to 5.0 - Validate blank field name - Better error message when mapping configures null - Make doc_values accessible for _type - Fix and test handling of `null_value`. - Fail automatic string upgrade if the value of `index` is not recognized. - Fix dynamic check to properly handle parents - Fix array parsing to remove its context when finished parsing - Disallow fielddata loading on text fields that are not indexed. - Make dynamic template parsing less lenient. - Fix dynamic mapper when its parent already has an update - Fix copy_to when the target is a dynamic object field. - Preserve existing mappings on batch mapping updates Network:: - Fix connection close header handling - Ensure port range is readable in the exception message - Fix expect 100 continue header handling - Fixes netty4 module's CORS config to use defaults - Fix various concurrency issues in transport - Verify lower level transport exceptions don't bubble up on disconnects Packaging:: - [Packaging] Do not remove scripts directory on upgrade - [Package] Remove bin/lib/modules directories on RPM uninstall/upgrade - Fix handling of spaces for jvm.options on Windows - Disable service in pre-uninstall - Remove extra bin/ directory in bin folder - Filter client/server VM options from jvm.options - Preserve config files from RPM install - Fix typo in message for variable setup ES_MAX_MEM - Don't run `mkdir` when $DATA_DIR contains a comma-separated list - Fix exit code - Set MAX_OPEN_FILES to 65536 - [windows] Service command still had positional start command - Do not pass double-dash arguments on startup Parent/Child:: - Make sure that no `_parent#null` gets introduces as default _parent mapping Percolator:: - Fail indexing percolator queries containing either a has_child or has_parent query - Add support for MatchNoDocsQuery in percolator's query terms extract service - Let PercolatorQuery's explain use the two phase iterator Plugin Discovery Azure Classic:: - Make discovery-azure plugin work again Plugin Discovery EC2:: - Fix EC2 discovery settings - Add TAG_SETTING to list of allowed tags for the ec2 discovery plugin. - Fix EC2 Discovery settings Plugin Discovery GCE:: - Fix NPE when GCE region is empty Plugin Ingest Attachment:: - Adds content-length as number Plugin Ingest GeoIp:: - [ingest-geoip] update geoip to not include null-valued results from Plugin Lang Painless:: - Fix String Concatenation Bug In Painless - Fix break bug in for/foreach loops. - Fix compound assignment with string concats - Fix horrible capture - Fix Casting Bug - Remove Grammar Ambiguities - Remove if/else ANTLR ambiguity. - Fix insanely slow compilation - Fix Bug in Painless Assignment - Fix bracket shortcuts Plugin Repository Azure:: - Register group setting for repository-azure accounts - Fix azure files removal Plugin Repository S3:: - Fixes leading forward slash in S3 repository base_path - Add missing permission to repository-s3 - Fix repository S3 Settings and add more tests Plugin Store SMB:: - Fix calling ensureOpen() on the wrong directory (master forwardport) Plugins:: - Use sysprop like with es.path.home to pass conf dir - Quote path to java binary - CliTool: Messages printed in Terminal should have percent char escaped Query DSL:: - Fixes MultiMatchQuery so that it doesn't provide a null context - Fix silently accepting malformed queries - query_string_query should take term length into consideration when fuzziness is auto - Throw ParsingException if a query is wrapped in an array - Restore parameter name auto_generate_phrase_queries - Resolve string dates and date math to millis before evaluating for rewrite in range query - `constant_score` query should throw error on more than one filter - Single IPv4 addresses in IP field term queries - Make strategy optional in GeoShapeQueryBuilder readFrom and writeTo Query Refactoring:: - Query refactoring: set has_parent & has_child types context properly - Make sure equivalent geohashCellQueries are equal after toQuery called REST:: - Remove lenient URL parameter parsing - Fixes CORS handling so that it uses the defaults - Get XContent params from request in Nodes rest actions - Fixes reading of CORS pre-flight headers and methods Recovery:: - Fix concurrency issues between cancelling a relocation and marking shard as relocated - Move `reset recovery` into RecoveriesCollection - Fix replica-primary inconsistencies when indexing during primary relocation with ongoing replica recoveries - Invoke `IndexingOperationListeners` also when recovering from store or remote - Prevent interruption while store checks lucene files for consistency - Mark shard as recovering on the cluster state thread Reindex API:: - Fix reindex with transport client - Fix a race condition in reindex's rethrottle - Reindex should never report negative throttled_until - Reindex should gracefully handle when _source is disabled Scripting:: - Add support for booleans in scripts - Fix Javascript OOM build Failure - Fix propagating the default value for script settings - Catch and wrap AssertionError and NoClassDefFoundError in groovy scripts Search:: - Do not cache script queries. - Throw error when trying to fetch fields from source and source is disabled - Source filtering should keep working when the source contains numbers greater than `Long.MAX_VALUE`. - Fix NPE when running a range query on a `scaled_float` with no upper bound. - Fix NPE during search with source filtering if the source is disabled. - Restore assignment of time value when deserializing a scroll instance - Fix explain output for dfs query - Don't recursively count children profile timings - fix explain in function_score if no function filter matches - Fix NPEs due to disabled source - Require timeout units when parsing query body - Close SearchContext if query rewrite failed - Fix parsing single `rescore` element in SearchSourceBuilder - Fail queries on not indexed fields. - Fix for search after - Do not be lenient when parsing CIDRs Settings:: - Fix Setting.timeValue() method - Add a hard limit for `index.number_of_shard` - Include complex settings in settings requests - Fix filter cache setting to allow percentages - Move cluster.routing.allocation.same_shard.host setting to new settings infrastructure - Validate settings against dynamic updaters on the master - Register "cloud.node.auto_attributes" setting in EC2 discovery plugin - Use object equality to compare versions in IndexSettings - fix exists method for list settings when using numbered setting format - convert settings for ResourceWatcherService to new infrastructure - Register bootstrap settings - Add settings filtering to node info requests - Ban write access to system properties Snapshot/Restore:: - Better handling of an empty shard's segments_N file - Fix race condition in snapshot initialization - Fix the semantics for the BlobContainer interface Stats:: - Fix FieldStats deserialization of `ip` field - Fix serialization bug in allocation explain API. - Allocation explain: Also serialize `includeDiskInfo` field - Add missing builder.endObject() in FsInfo Store:: - Tighten up concurrent store metadata listing and engine writes - Make static Store access shard lock aware - Catch assertion errors on commit and turn it into a real exception Task Manager:: - Shard level tasks in Bulk Action lose reference to their parent tasks - Take filterNodeIds into consideration while sending task requests to nodes Term Vectors:: - Fix calculation of took time of term vectors request Translog:: - Fix RAM usage estimation of LiveVersionMap. - Fix translog replay multiple operations same doc - Snapshotting and sync could cause a dead lock TranslogWriter - Move translog recover outside of the engine - Mark shard active during recovery; push settings after engine finally inits === Regressions Highlighting:: - Handle SynonymQuery extraction for the FastVectorHighlighter === Upgrades Core:: - Upgrade to Lucene 6.2.0 - Update to jackson 2.8.1 - Upgrade to Lucene 6.1.0. - Upgrade to lucene-6.1.0-snapshot-3a57bea. - Upgrade to Lucene 6.0.1. - Upgrade to lucene 6 release - Upgrade to lucene-6.0.0-f0aa4fc. - upgrade to lucene 6.0.0-snapshot-bea235f - Upgrade to Jackson 2.7.1 Ingest:: - Update MaxMind geoip2 version to 2.6 Internal:: - Bump master (3.0-snapshot) to java 8 Network:: - Upgrade to Netty 4.1.5 - Dependencies: Upgrade to netty 4.1.4 - Introduce Netty 4 Packaging:: - Upgrade JNA to 4.2.2 and remove optionality Plugin Discovery EC2:: - Update aws sdk to 1.10.69 and add use_throttle_retries repository setting Scripting:: - Dependencies: Updates to mustache 0.9.3 Search Templates:: - Update mustache.java to version 0.9.1 @ text @$NetBSD: patch-bin_elasticsearch.in.sh,v 1.7 2016/10/26 13:56:30 fhajny Exp $ Fix paths. --- bin/elasticsearch.in.sh.orig 2015-10-21 08:41:12.000000000 +0000 +++ bin/elasticsearch.in.sh @@@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@@@ EOF exit 1 fi -ES_CLASSPATH="$ES_HOME/lib/elasticsearch-2.4.1.jar:$ES_HOME/lib/*" +ES_CLASSPATH="@@ES_LIBDIR@@/elasticsearch-2.4.1.jar:@@ES_LIBDIR@@/*" if [ "x$ES_MIN_MEM" = "x" ]; then ES_MIN_MEM=256m @ 1.7 log @Update elasticsearch to 2.4.1 === Enhancements Allocation:: - Change DiskThresholdDecider's behavior when factoring in leaving shards Cluster:: - Add clusterUUID to RestMainAction output === Bug fixes Core:: - Guard against negative result from FileStore.getUsableSpace when pick... Highlighting:: - skip GeoPointMultiTermQuery when highlighting - Fix highlighting of MultiTermQuery within a FunctionScoreQuery Index APIs:: - Fix IndexNotFoundException in multi index search request. Internal:: - Don't fail replica if FlushNotAllowedEngineException is thrown Network:: - Don't send exception responses twice Packaging:: - Fix Windows GC options Query DSL:: - Fail parsing when match query contains an array of terms REST:: - Correct the description for refresh Reindex API:: - Make reindex tests a little less flaky Scripting:: - Native scripts should be created once per index, not per segment. Settings:: - Validate max thread/merge settings @ text @d1 1 a1 1 $NetBSD: patch-bin_elasticsearch.in.sh,v 1.6 2016/09/19 12:28:31 fhajny Exp $ @ 1.6 log @Update databases/elasticsearch to 2.4.0. === Breaking changes Network:: - Single comma-delimited response header for multiple values === Deprecations Geo:: - Deprecate optimize_bbox on geodistance queries - Deprecate geohash parameters for geo_point parser Mapping:: - Add deprecation logging for '_timestamp' and '_ttl'. Query DSL:: - Deprecate soon-to-be-unsupported queries. REST:: - Deprecate camelCase usages Search:: - Deprecate sort option reverse. Settings:: - Deprecate bootstrap.mlockall - Deprecate camelCase settings magic Snapshot/Restore:: - Adds deprecation notices on removed BlobContainer methods === New features Geo:: - Add CONTAINS relation to geo_shape query Plugin Cloud AWS:: - Add support for path_style_access Reindex API:: - Backport: Reindex's throttling === Enhancements Circuit Breakers:: - Limit request size Cluster:: - Batch process node left and node failure 2.x Core:: - Improve performance of applyDeletedShards - Sliced lock contention 2.x - Kill thread local leak - Remove hostname from NetworkAddress.format (2.x) Dates:: - Improve TimeUnitRounding for edge cases and DST transitions Internal:: - Turn RestChannel into an interface - Require executor name when calling scheduleWithFixedDelay - Implement available for all StreamInput classes Java API:: - Add created flag to IndexingOperationListener#postIndex Logging:: - Add shardId and node name in search slow log Mapping:: - Mappings: Allow to force dots in field names Network:: - Exclude admin / diagnostic requests from HTTP request limiting - Netty request/response tracer should wait for send - Exclude specific transport actions from request size limit check - Provide better error message when an incompatible node connects to a node Packaging:: - Increase default max open files to 65536 - Allow configuring Windows service name, description and user Parent/Child:: - Allow adding additional child types that point to an existing parent type Query DSL:: - Fixed QueryParsingException in multi match query REST:: - CORS handling triggered whether User-Agent is a browser or not Reindex API:: - Switch default batch size for reindex to 1000 Scripting:: - Mustache: Add util functions to render JSON and join array values - Compile each Groovy script in its own classloader === Bug fixes Aggregations:: - Fix potential AssertionError with include/exclude on terms aggregations. - Pass resolved extended bounds to unmapped histogram aggregator - Fix "key_as_string" for date histogram and epoch_millis/epoch_second format with time zone - Fix TimeUnitRounding for hour, minute and second units - Adds serialisation of sigma to extended_stats_bucket pipeline aggregation - ExtendedStatsAggregator should also pass sigma to emtpy aggs. - Prevents exception being raised when ordering by an aggregation which wasn't collected - Setting 'other' bucket on empty aggregation Allocation:: - Rebalancing policy shouldn't prevent hard allocation decisions Analysis:: - Add 'Character.MODIFIER_SYMBOL' to the list of symbol categories. Bulk:: - Copy headers and context to individual requests inside a bulk CAT API:: - Fix merge stats rendering in RestIndicesAction - Expand wildcards to closed indices in '/_cat/indices' - Fix column aliases in '_cat/indices', '_cat/nodes' and '_cat/shards' APIs CRUD:: - Prevent TransportReplicationAction to route request based on stale local routing table Cluster:: - Fix block checks when no indices are specified - Cluster stats: fix memory available that is always set to 0 Core:: - Throw exception if using a closed transport client - Fix misplaced cast when parsing seconds - Don't try to compute completion stats on a reader after we already closed it Dates:: - Make sure TimeIntervalRounding is monotonic for increasing dates - Fix invalid rounding value for TimeIntervalRounding close to DST transitions - Fix problem with TimeIntervalRounding on DST end Highlighting:: - Plain highlighter should ignore parent/child queries - Let fast vector highlighter also extract terms from the nested query's inner query. - Skip all geo point queries in plain highlighter - Exclude all but string fields from highlighting if wildcards are used Indexed Scripts/Templates:: - Don't ignore custom sharding settings in create index request for '.scripts' index Internal:: - Fix filtering of node ids for TransportNodesAction Logging:: - Add missing index name to search slow log. Mapping:: - Mapping updates on objects should propagate 'include_an_all'. - Mappings: Fix detection of metadata fields in documents - Fix not_analyzed string fields to error when position_increment_gap is set - Automatically created indices should honor 'index.mapper.dynamic'. - Process dynamic templates in order. - Fix cross type mapping updates for 'boolean' fields. - Fail if an object is added after a field with the same name. Packaging:: - RESTART_ON_UPGRADE incorrectly named ES_RESTART_ON_UPGRADE in sysconfig Percolator:: - Set the SC and QPC type always to '.percolator' in percolate api - Fixed NPE when percolator filter option is "empty". Plugin Analysis Kuromoji:: - Prebuild Japanese Stop Words Token Filter Plugin Cloud AWS:: - Support specific key/secret for EC2 - Add missing permission for S3 repository Plugin Cloud Azure:: - Make discovery-azure work again on 2.4 branch - Fix remove of azure files Plugin Cloud GCE:: - Fix NPE when GCE region is empty Query DSL:: - Make parsing of bool queries stricter - Fix NullPointerException in SimpleQueryParser when analyzing text produces a null query - Apply the default operator on analyzed wildcard in simple_query_string builder - Apply the default operator on analyzed wildcard in query_string builder REST:: - Do not decode path when sending error - CORS should permit same origin requests - Allow CORS requests to work with HTTP compression enabled - Fixes reading of CORS pre-flight headers and methods - Fix OOM in AbstractXContentParser Recovery:: - Backports Notify GatewayRecoveryListener on failure Reindex API:: - Make reindex and lang-javascript compatible Search:: - AllTermQuery must implement equals/hashCode. - Add ref-counting to SearchContext to prevent accessing already closed readers - Fix '_only_nodes' preferences - Speed up named queries. Snapshot/Restore:: - Handle 'indices=["_all"]' when restoring a snapshot - On restore, selecting concrete indices can select wrong index Stats:: - Fix sync flush total shards statistics Translog:: - Translog can delete valid .ckp file when views are closed after the translog - Call ensureOpen on Translog#newView() to prevent IllegalStateException === Upgrades Core:: - Update jackson to version 2.8.1 (on 2.4 branch) - Upgrade lucene to 5.5.2 Dates:: - Upgrade joda-time to 2.9.4 Internal:: - Update Jackson 2.6.2 -> 2.6.6 (latest and final 2.6 patch) Network:: - Upgrade to netty 3.10.6.Final Plugin Cloud AWS:: - Update aws sdk to 1.10.69 and add throttle_retries repository setting @ text @d1 1 a1 1 $NetBSD: patch-bin_elasticsearch.in.sh,v 1.5 2016/08/19 10:09:11 fhajny Exp $ d11 2 a12 2 -ES_CLASSPATH="$ES_HOME/lib/elasticsearch-2.4.0.jar:$ES_HOME/lib/*" +ES_CLASSPATH="@@ES_LIBDIR@@/elasticsearch-2.4.0.jar:@@ES_LIBDIR@@/*" @ 1.5 log @Update databases/elasticsearch to 2.3.5. 2.3.5 There are no changes in Elasticsearch 2.3.5 except for the version bump. This is a compatibility release for bug fixes in Marvel, Watcher, and Shield. 2.3.4 Bulk - Copy headers and context to individual requests inside a bulk CAT API - Fix merge stats rendering in RestIndicesAction - Expand wildcards to closed indices in /_cat/indices Cluster - Fix block checks when no indices are specified Core - Fix misplaced cast when parsing seconds Highlighting - Skip all geo point queries in plain highlighter Internal - Fix filtering of node ids for TransportNodesAction Percolator - Fixed NPE when percolator filter option is "empty". REST - Do not decode path when sending error Translog - Translog can delete valid .ckp file when views are closed after the translog - Dates Upgrade joda-time to 2.9.4 @ text @d1 1 a1 1 $NetBSD: patch-bin_elasticsearch.in.sh,v 1.4 2016/05/24 01:44:41 fhajny Exp $ d11 2 a12 2 -ES_CLASSPATH="$ES_HOME/lib/elasticsearch-2.3.5.jar:$ES_HOME/lib/*" +ES_CLASSPATH="@@ES_LIBDIR@@/elasticsearch-2.3.5.jar:@@ES_LIBDIR@@/*" @ 1.4 log @Update databases/elasticsearch to 2.3.3. == 2.3.3 Release Notes === New features Geo:: - Add CONTAINS relation to geo_shape query === Enhancements Core:: - Kill thread local leak REST:: - CORS handling triggered whether User-Agent is a browser or not === Bug fixes Core:: - Don't try to compute completion stats on a reader after we already closed it Highlighting:: - Exclude all but string fields from highlighting if wildcards are used... Query DSL:: - Fix NullPointerException in SimpleQueryParser when analyzing text produces a null query REST:: - CORS should permit same origin requests - Allow CORS requests to work with HTTP compression enabled === Upgrades Internal:: - Update Jackson 2.6.2 -> 2.6.6 (latest and final 2.6 patch) @ text @d1 1 a1 1 $NetBSD: patch-bin_elasticsearch.in.sh,v 1.3 2016/04/29 10:16:01 fhajny Exp $ d11 2 a12 2 -ES_CLASSPATH="$ES_HOME/lib/elasticsearch-2.3.3.jar:$ES_HOME/lib/*" +ES_CLASSPATH="@@ES_LIBDIR@@/elasticsearch-2.3.3.jar:@@ES_LIBDIR@@/*" @ 1.3 log @Update databases/elasticsearch to 2.3.2. == 2.3.2 Release Notes === Deprecations REST:: - Deprecate camelCase usages Search:: - Deprecate sort option reverse. Settings:: - Deprecate camelCase settings magic === Enhancements Analysis:: - Analyze API : Fix/deprecated filters in analyze in 2x === Bug fixes Aggregations:: - Aggregations: Adds serialisation of sigma to extended_stats_bucket pipeline aggregation - ExtendedStatsAggregator should also pass sigma to emtpy aggs. Allocation:: - Rebalancing policy shouldn't prevent hard allocation decisions - When considering the size of shadow replica shards, set size to 0 Logging:: - Add missing index name to search slow log. Mapping:: - Fail if an object is added after a field with the same name. More Like This:: - Alias items are not ignored anymore REST:: - Fixes reading of CORS pre-flight headers and methods - index is a required url part for update by query Recovery:: - Backports Notify GatewayRecoveryListener on failure Snapshot/Restore:: - On restore, selecting concrete indices can select wrong index == 2.3.1 Release Notes === Bug fixes Aggregations:: - Prevents exception being raised when ordering by an aggregation which wasn't collected Cluster:: - Cluster stats: fix memory available that is always set to 0 == 2.3.0 Release Notes === Breaking changes Allocation:: - Speed up shard balancer by reusing shard model while moving shards that can no longer be allocated to a node Mapping:: - Add per-index setting to limit number of nested fields === Deprecations Geo:: - Deprecate lat_lon and precision_step - Deprecate geo_point mapping params Plugin Discovery Multicast:: - Deprecate Discovery Multicast Plugin Query DSL:: - Add deprecation logging for deprecated queries. === New features Reindex API:: - Backport reindex to 2.x Task Manager:: - Backport of task management api to 2x === Enhancements Allocation:: - Skip capturing least/most FS info for an FS with no total - Speed improvements for BalancedShardsAllocator Cache:: - Make TermsQuery considered costly. Cluster:: - Shard state action request logging - Safe cluster state task notifications Core:: - Remove log4j exception hiding - Avoid cloning MessageDigest instances - Add a hard check to ensure we are running with the expected lucene version Exceptions:: - Added file name to exceptions when failing to read index state - Add Exception class name to message in `NotSerializableExceptionWrapper` Geo:: - Upgrade GeoPointField to use Lucene 5.5 PrefixEncoding Internal:: - Cleanup search sub transport actions and collapse o.e.action.search.type package into o.e.action.search Java API:: - TransportClient: Add exception when using plugin.types, to help migration to addPlugin Logging:: - Log suppressed stack traces under DEBUG Mapping:: - Add deprecation logging for mapping transform - Expose the reason why a mapping merge is issued. - Add sub-fields support to `bool` fields. - Improve cross-type dynamic mapping updates. - Make mapping updates more robust. Network:: - Add additional fallback to http.publish_port and restrict fallback to transport.publish_port Packaging:: - Windows service: Use JAVA_HOME environment variable in registry - Default standard output to the journal in systemd - Use egrep instead of grep -E for Solaris Plugin Cloud Azure:: - Add timeout settings (default to 5 minutes) Plugin Discovery EC2:: - Add ap-northeast-2 (seoul) endpoints for EC2 discovery and S3 snapshots Plugin Mapper Attachment:: - Fix attachments plugins with docx REST:: - More robust handling of CORS HTTP Access Control Reindex API:: - Implement helpful interfaces in reindex requests - Reindex should timeout if sub-requests timeout - Teach reindex to retry on rejection Scripting:: - Logs old script params use to the Deprecation Logger - Remove suppressAccessChecks permission for Groovy script plugin - Class permission for Groovy references - Scripting: Allow to get size of array in mustache - Added plumbing for compile time script parameters - Enhancements to the mustache script engine Search:: - Add deprecation logging for ignore_unmapped parameter - Add deprecation logging when users use the SCAN search type. Settings:: - Log warning if max file descriptors too low === Bug fixes Aggregations:: - Setting 'other' bucket on empty aggregation - Build empty extended stats aggregation if no docs collected for bucket - Set meta data for pipeline aggregations - Filter(s) aggregation should create weights only once. - Make `missing` on terms aggs work with all execution modes. - Fix NPE in Derivative Pipeline when current bucket value is null Aliases:: - Fix _aliases filter and null parameters - Check lenient_expand_open after aliases have been resolved Allocation:: - IndicesStore checks for `allocated elsewhere` for every shard not alocated on the local node - Prevent peer recovery from node with older version Analysis:: - Analysis : Allow string explain param in JSON - Analysis : Fix no response from Analyze API without specified index Bulk:: - Bulk api: fail deletes when routing is required but not specified CAT API:: - Fix column aliases in _cat/indices, _cat/nodes and _cat/shards APIs CRUD:: - fixed propagation of autoGeneratedId on document creation - Throw exception if content type could not be determined in Update API Cache:: - Handle closed readers in ShardCoreKeyMap Cluster:: - Index deletes not applied when cluster UUID has changed - Only fail the relocation target when a replication request on it fails Core:: - Migrate template settings (add missing byte & time units) Fielddata:: - Make disabled fielddata loading fail earlier. Geo:: - Remove .geohash suffix from GeoDistanceQuery and GeoDistanceRangeQuery Highlighting:: - Don't override originalQuery with request filters Inner Hits:: - Query and top level inner hit definitions shouldn't overwrite each other Internal:: - Log uncaught exceptions from scheduled once tasks - FunctionScoreQuery should implement two-phase iteration. Java API:: - Fix boundary chars in java api Logging:: - Add missing index name to indexing slow log - ParseFieldMatcher should log when using deprecated settings. Mapping:: - Put mapping operations must update metadata of all types. - Fix serialization of `search_analyzer`. - Reuse metadata mappers for dynamic updates. - Fix MapperService#searchFilter(...) - MapperService: check index.mapper.dynamic during index creation Network:: - Only accept transport requests after node is fully initialized Packaging:: - Fix waiting for pidfile - Enable es_include at init Parent/Child:: - Check that parent_type in Has Parent Query has child types - Has child query forces default similarity Percolator:: - Don't replace found fields if map unmapped fields as string is enabled - mpercolate api should serialise start time Plugin Cloud Azure:: - Fix calling ensureOpen() on the wrong directory Plugin Discovery GCE:: - Add setFactory permission to GceDiscoveryPlugin Query DSL:: - Fix FunctionScore equals/hashCode to include minScore and friends REST:: - Remove detect_noop from REST spec - Make text parsing less lenient. Recovery:: - Try to renew sync ID if `flush=true` on forceMerge - sync translog to disk after recovery from primary Reindex API:: - Properly register reindex status - Be much much much careful about context - Make search failure cause rest failure Scripting:: - Check that _value is used in aggregations script before setting value to specialValue - Add permission to access sun.reflect.MethodAccessorImpl from Groovy scripts - Fixes json generation for scriptsort w/ deprecated params - Security permissions for Groovy closures Search:: - Do not apply minimum_should_match on auto generated boolean query if the coordination factor is disabled. - Do not apply minimum-should-match on a boolean query if the coords are disabled - Fix blended terms take 2 Settings:: - TransportClient should use updated setting for initialization of modules and service Snapshot/Restore:: - Prevent closing index during snapshot restore - Add node version check to shard allocation during restore Stats:: - Fix recovery translog stats totals when recovering from store - Fix calculation of age of pending tasks Task Manager:: - Fix TaskId#isSet to return true when id is set and not other way around - Don't wait for completion of list tasks tasks when wait_for_completion flag is set Translog:: - Call ensureOpen on Translog#newView() to prevent IllegalStateException - Make sure IndexShard is active during recovery so it gets its fair share of the indexing buffer - Avoid circular reference in exception - Initialize translog before scheduling the sync to disk - Catch tragic even inside the checkpoint method rather than on the caller side - Never delete translog-N.tlog file when creation fails - Close recovered translog readers if createWriter fails Tribe Node:: - Passthrough environment and network settings to tribe client nodes - Tribe node: pass path.conf to inner tribe clients === Regressions Analysis:: - Add PathHierarchy type back to path_hierarchy tokenizer for backward compatibility with 1.x Plugin Cloud Azure:: - Fix Unknown [repository] type [azure] error with 2.2.0 REST:: - Don't return all indices immediately if count of expressions >1 and first expression is * === Upgrades Core:: - Upgrade to Lucene 5.5.0 official release - Upgrade to lucene 5.5.0-snapshot-850c6c2 - Upgrade to lucene 5.5.0-snapshot-4de5f1d - Update lucene to r1725675 - Upgrade to lucene-5.5.0-snapshot-1721183. Plugin Cloud Azure:: - Upgrade Azure Storage client to 4.0.0 Plugin Discovery Azure:: - Upgrade azure SDK to 0.9.3 Scripting:: - Upgrade groovy dependency in lang-groovy module to version 2.4.6 == 2.2.1 Release Notes === Enhancements Cluster:: - Shard state action request logging Core:: - Avoid cloning MessageDigest instances Exceptions:: - Add Exception class name to message in `NotSerializableExceptionWrapper` Network:: - Add additional fallback to http.publish_port and restrict fallback to transport.publish_port Packaging:: - Windows service: Use JAVA_HOME environment variable in registry Scripting:: - Class permission for Groovy references Settings:: - Log warning if max file descriptors too low === Bug fixes Aggregations:: - Set meta data for pipeline aggregations Aliases:: - Fix _aliases filter and null parameters Bulk:: - Bulk api: fail deletes when routing is required but not specified Inner Hits:: - Query and top level inner hit definitions shouldn't overwrite each other Logging:: - Add missing index name to indexing slow log Parent/Child:: - Check that parent_type in Has Parent Query has child types - Has child query forces default similarity Percolator:: - Don't replace found fields if map unmapped fields as string is enabled Plugin Cloud Azure:: - Fix calling ensureOpen() on the wrong directory Plugin Discovery GCE:: - Add setFactory permission to GceDiscoveryPlugin Query DSL:: - Use MappedFieldType.termQuery to generate simple_query_string queries REST:: - Remove detect_noop from REST spec Scripting:: - Add permission to access sun.reflect.MethodAccessorImpl from Groovy scripts Snapshot/Restore:: - Add node version check to shard allocation during restore Stats:: - Fix recovery translog stats totals when recovering from store Tribe Node:: - Passthrough environment and network settings to tribe client nodes === Regressions Plugin Cloud Azure:: - Fix Unknown [repository] type [azure] error with 2.2.0 === Upgrades Plugin Repository Azure:: - Upgrade Azure Storage client to 4.0.0 == 2.2.0 Release Notes === Breaking changes Index APIs:: - Change Field stats API response to include both number and string based min and max values Scripting:: - Filter classes loaded by scripts - Lock down javascript and python script engines better === Deprecations Java API:: - Deprecate the count api in favour of search with size 0 - Deprecates defaultRescoreWindowSize Plugin Discovery Multicast:: - Deprecate the discovery-multicast plugin Query DSL:: - Deprecate the `missing` query - Deprecate NotQueryBuilder Search:: - Deprecate _search/exists in favour of regular _search with size 0 and terminate_after 1 === New features Geo:: - Add CONTAINS relation to geo_shape query - Add support for Lucene 5.4 GeoPoint queries - Add GeoPointV2 Field Mapping Network:: - Allow binding to multiple addresses. Plugin Analysis Phonetic:: - Add support for `daitch_mokotoff` Plugin Repository S3:: - Add support for S3 storage class Plugins:: - Decentralize plugin security Search:: - Add query profiler === Enhancements Aliases:: - Add support to _aliases endpoint to specify multiple indices and aliases in one action Allocation:: - Simplify delayed shard allocation - Add cluster-wide setting for total shard limit - Early terminate high disk watermark checks on single data node cluster Analysis:: - Add detail response support for _analyze API CAT API:: - Add sync_id to cat shards API - Add duration field to /_cat/snapshots - Add cat API for repositories and snapshots - Adds disk used by indices to _cat/allocation Cluster:: - Safe cluster state task notifications - Reroute once per batch of shard failures - Add callback for publication of new cluster state - Split cluster state update tasks into roles - Use general cluster state batching mechanism for shard started - Use general cluster state batching mechanism for shard failures - Set an newly created IndexShard's ShardRouting before exposing it to operations - Uniform exceptions for TransportMasterNodeAction Core:: - If we can't get a MAC address for the node, use a dummy one - Simplify shard inactive logging - Simplify IndexingMemoryController#checkIdle - IndexingMemoryController should not track shard index states - Make PerThreadIDAndVersionLookup per-segment - Verify Checksum once it has been fully written to fail as soon as possible Discovery:: - Don't allow nodes with missing custom meta data to join cluster Exceptions:: - Deduplicate cause if already contained in shard failures - Give a better exception when running from freebsd jail without enforce_statfs=1 - Make root_cause of field conflicts more obvious Fielddata:: - Update GeoPoint FieldData for GeoPointV2 Geo:: - Geo: Fix toString() in GeoDistanceRangeQuery and GeoPolygonQuery - Enable GeoPointV2 with backward compatibility testing - Refactor Geo utilities to Lucene 5.4 Index APIs:: - Add option to disable closing indices Index Templates:: - Disallow index template pattern to be the same as an alias name Internal:: - Simplify the Text API. - Simpler using compressed oops flag representation - Info on compressed ordinary object pointers - Explicitly log cluster state update failures - Use transport service to handle RetryOnReplicaException to execute replica action on the current node - Make IndexShard operation be more explicit about whether they are expected to run on a primary or replica - Avoid trace logging allocations in TransportBroadcastByNodeAction - Only trace log shard not available exceptions - Transport options should be immutable - Fix dangling comma in ClusterBlock#toString - Improve some logging around master election and cluster state - Add System#exit(), Runtime#exit() and Runtime#halt() to forbidden APIs - Simplify XContent detection. - Add threadgroup isolation. - Cleanup plugin security - Add workaround for JDK-8014008 - Refactor retry logic for TransportMasterNodeAction - Remove MetaDataSerivce and it's semaphores - Cleanup IndexMetaData - TransportNodesAction shouldn't hold on to cluster state - Add SpecialPermission to guard exceptions to security policy. - Clean up scripting permissions. - Factor groovy out of core into lang-groovy - Factor expressions scripts out to lang-expression plugin Java API:: - TransportClient: Add exception when using plugin.types, to help migration to addPlugin - Align handling of interrupts in BulkProcessor - BulkProcessor backs off exponentially by default - Add java API for synced flush - Allow to get and set ttl as a time value/string - Reject refresh usage in bulk items when using and fix NPE when no source - BulkProcessor retries after request handling has been rejected due to a full thread pool Logging:: - Add circuit breaker name to logging package - Log cluster health status changes - Map log-level 'trace' to JDK-Level 'FINEST' Mapping:: - Make mapping serialization more robust. - Make mappings immutable. - Make MappedFieldType.checkTypeName part of MappedFieldType.checkCompatibility. - throw exception if a copy_to is within a multi field - Register field mappers at the node level. Network:: - only allow code to bind to the user's configured port numbers/ranges - Port of publishAddress should match port of corresponding boundAddress Packaging:: - Default standard output to the journal in systemd - Use egrep instead of grep -E for Solaris - punch thru symlinks when loading plugins/modules - set ActiveProcessLimit=1 on windows - set RLIMIT_NPROC = 0 on bsd/os X systems. - Drop ability to execute on Solaris - Packaging: change permissions/ownership of config dir - Release: Fix package repo path to only consist of major version - Nuke ES_CLASSPATH appending, JarHell fail on empty classpath elements - Get lang-javascript, lang-python, securemock ready for script refactoring - Remove some bogus permissions only needed for tests. - Remove java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks" Plugin Cloud AWS:: - Add support for proxy authentication for s3 and ec2 Plugin Cloud Azure:: - Add timeout settings (default to 5 minutes) - Add support for secondary azure storage account Plugin Cloud GCE:: - Adding backoff from retries on GCE errors - Add `_gce_` network host setting Plugin Discovery EC2:: - Add ap-northeast-2 (seoul) endpoints for EC2 discovery and S3 snapshots - Adding US-Gov-West - Improved building of disco nodes Plugin Mapper Attachment:: - Backport mapper-attachments plugin to 2.x Plugin Repository S3:: - Add aws canned acl Plugins:: - Expose http.type setting, and collapse al(most all) modules relating to transport/http - Ban RuntimePermission("getClassLoader") - Add nicer error message when a plugin descriptor is missing - Don't be lenient in PluginService#processModule(Module) - Check "plugin already installed" before jar hell check. - Plugin script to set proper plugin bin dir attributes - Plugin script to set proper plugin config dir attributes Query DSL:: - Allow CIDR notation in query string query REST:: - Make XContentGenerator.writeRaw* safer. - Filter path refactoring Recovery:: - Handle cancel exceptions on recovery target if the cancel comes from the source - Decouple routing and primary operation logic in TransportReplicationAction Scripting:: - Add property permissions so groovy scripts can serialize json - Remove ScriptEngineService.unwrap. - Remove ScriptEngineService.execute. Search:: - Support * wildcard to retrieve stored fields in the 'fields' option - Caching Weight wrappers should propagate the BulkScorer. - fix numerical issue in function score query Snapshot/Restore:: - Support wildcards for getting repositories and snapshots - Add ignore_unavailable parameter to skip unavailable snapshot Stats:: - Add system CPU percent to OS stats - Pull Fields instance once from LeafReader in completion stats - Add os.allocated_processors stats Top Hits:: - Put method addField on TopHitsBuilder Translog:: - Check for tragic event on all kinds of exceptions not only ACE and IOException Tribe Node:: - Tribe nodes should apply cluster state updates in batches === Bug fixes Aggregations:: - Filter(s) aggregation should create weights only once. - Make `missing` on terms aggs work with all execution modes. - Run pipeline aggregations for empty buckets added in the Range Aggregation - [Children agg] fix bug that prevented all child docs from being evaluated - Correct typo in class name of StatsAggregator - Fix significant terms reduce for long terms - Pass extended bounds into HistogramAggregator when creating an unmapped aggregator - Added correct generic type parameter on ScriptedMetricBuilder Aliases:: - Check lenient_expand_open after aliases have been resolved Allocation:: - Prevent peer recovery from node with older version - Fix calculation of next delay for delayed shard allocation - Take ignored unallocated shards into account when making allocation decision - Only allow rebalance operations to run if all shard store data is available - Delayed allocation can miss a reroute - Check rebalancing constraints when shards are moved from a node they can no longer remain on Bulk:: - Do not release unacquired semaphore CAT API:: - Properly set indices and indicesOptions on subrequest made by /_cat/indices CRUD:: - Throw exception if content type could not be determined in Update API Cluster:: - Only fail the relocation target when a replication request on it fails - Handle shards assigned to nodes that are not in the cluster state - Bulk cluster state updates on index deletion Core:: - BitSetFilterCache duplicates its content. - Limit the max size of bulk and index thread pools to bounded number of processors - AllTermQuery's scorer should skip segments that never saw the requested term - Include root-cause exception when we fail to change shard's index buffer - Restore thread interrupt flag after an InterruptedException - Use fresh index settings instead of relying on @@IndexSettings - Record all bytes of the checksum in VerifyingIndexOutput - When shard becomes active again, immediately increase its indexing buffer - Close TokenStream in finally clause Engine:: - Never wrap searcher for internal engine operations Exceptions:: - Fix ensureNodesAreAvailable's error message Fielddata:: - Don't cache top level field data for fields that don't exist Geo:: - Geo: Allow numeric parameters enclosed in quotes for 'geohash_grid' aggregation Highlighting:: - Fix spans extraction to not also include individual terms. Index APIs:: - Field stats: Index constraints should remove indices in the response if the field to evaluate is empty - Field stats: Fix NPE for index constraint on empty index - Field stats: Added `format` option for index constraints - Restore previous optimize transport action name for bw comp - Forbid index name `.` and `..` Internal:: - Log uncaught exceptions from scheduled once tasks - Make sure the remaining delay of unassigned shard is updated with every reroute - Throw a meaningful error when loading metadata and an alias and index have the same name - fixup issues with 32-bit jvm - Failure to update the cluster state with the recovered state should make sure it will be recovered later - Properly bind ClassSet extensions as singletons - Streamline top level reader close listeners and forbid general usage - Gateway: a race condition can prevent the initial cluster state from being recovered - Verify actually written checksum in VerifyingIndexOutput - Remove all setAccessible in tests and forbid - Remove easy uses of setAccessible in tests. - Ban setAccessible from core code, restore monitoring stats under java 9 Logging:: - Settings in log config file should not overwrite custom parameters - Plugin cli tool should not create empty log files Mapping:: - Fix MapperService#searchFilter(...) - Fix initial sizing of BytesStreamOutput. - MetaDataMappingService should call MapperService.merge with the original mapping update. - Fix copy_to when the target is a dynamic object field. - Only text fields should accept analyzer and term vector settings. - Mapper parsers should not check for a `tokenized` property. - Validate that fields are defined only once. - Check mapping compatibility up-front. - Don't treat _default_ as a regular type. - Don't ignore mapping merge failures. - Treat mappings at an index-level feature. - Multi field names may not contain dots - Mapping: Allows upgrade of indexes with only search_analyzer specified Packaging:: - Fix Windows service installation failure - fix command line options for windows bat file - Handle system policy correctly - Startup script exit status should catch daemonized startup failures Plugin Cloud AWS:: - Discovery-ec2 plugin should check `discovery.type` Plugin Delete By Query:: - Fix Delete-by-Query with Shield - Delete by query to not wrap the inner query into an additional query element Plugin Mapper Attachment:: - Fix toXContent() for mapper attachments field Plugin Repository S3:: - Hack around aws security hole of accessing sun.security.ssl, s3 repository works on java 9 again Plugins:: - Fix plugin list command error message - Parse Java system properties in plugin.bat - PluginManager: Dont leave leftover files on unsuccessful installs - Fix HTML response during redirection Query DSL:: - Fix FunctionScore equals/hashCode to include minScore and friends - Min should match greater than the number of optional clauses should return no result - Return a better exception message when `regexp` query is used on a numeric field REST:: - Throw exception when trying to write map with null keys - XContentFactory.xContentType: allow for possible UTF-8 BOM for JSON XContentType - Restore support for escaped '/' as part of document id - Add missing REST spec for `detect_noop` - Expose nodes operation timeout in REST API - Ensure XContent is consistent across platforms Recovery:: - sync translog to disk after recovery from primary - CancellableThreads should also treat ThreadInterruptedException as InterruptedException Scripting:: - Security permissions for Groovy closures Search:: - Fix NPE when a segment with an empty cache gets closed. - Fix the quotes in the explain message for a script score function without parameters Settings:: - TransportClient should use updated setting for initialization of modules and service Shadow Replicas:: - Don't pull translog from shadow engine Snapshot/Restore:: - Snapshot restore and index creates should keep index settings and cluster blocks in sync - Snapshot restore operations throttle more than specified - Fix blob size in writeBlob() method Stats:: - Fix calculation of age of pending tasks - serialize os name, arch and version too - Add extra validation into `cluster/stats` - Omit current* stats for OldShardStats Translog:: - Make sure IndexShard is active during recovery so it gets its fair share of the indexing buffer - Avoid circular reference in exception - Initialize translog before scheduling the sync to disk - Translog base flushes can be disabled after replication relocation or slow recovery - Catch tragic even inside the checkpoint method rather than on the caller side - Never delete translog-N.tlog file when creation fails - Close recovered translog readers if createWriter fails - Fail and close translog hard if writing to disk fails - Prevent writing to closed channel if translog is already closed - Don't delete temp recovered checkpoint file if it was renamed - Translog recovery can repeatedly fail if we run out of disk Tribe Node:: - Tribe node: pass path.conf to inner tribe clients - Fix tribe node to load config file for internal client nodes === Regressions Analysis:: - Add PathHierarchy type back to path_hierarchy tokenizer for backward compatibility with 1.x Internal:: - Deduplicate concrete indices after indices resolution Plugin Cloud Azure:: - Filter cloud azure credentials Query DSL:: - RangeQueryParser should accept `_name` in inner field === Upgrades Core:: - Upgrade to lucene-5.4.1. - Upgrade to lucene-5.4.0. - Upgrade Lucene to 5.4.0-snapshot-1715952 - Upgrade Lucene to 5.4.0-snapshot-1714615 - Upgrade to lucene-5.4.0-snapshot-1712973. - update to lucene-5.4.x-snapshot-1711508 - Upgrade to lucene-5.4-snapshot-1710880. - Upgrade to lucene-5.4-snapshot-1708254. - upgrade lucene to r1702265 - Upgrade master to lucene 5.4-snapshot r1701068 Geo:: - Update to spatial4j 0.5 for correct Multi-Geometry Network:: - Upgrade Netty to 3.10.5.final Plugin Discovery Azure:: - Update Azure Service Management API to 0.9.0 Plugin Discovery EC2:: - Upgrade to aws 1.10.33 Plugin Lang JS:: - upgrade rhino for plugins/lang-javascript == 2.1.2 Release Notes === Enhancements Internal:: - Only trace log shard not available exceptions Plugin Cloud Azure:: - Add timeout settings (default to 5 minutes) Translog:: - Check for tragic event on all kinds of exceptions not only ACE and IOException === Bug fixes Aggregations:: - Make `missing` on terms aggs work with all execution modes. Aliases:: - Check lenient_expand_open after aliases have been resolved Allocation:: - Prevent peer recovery from node with older version Cluster:: - Only fail the relocation target when a replication request on it fails Core:: - BitSetFilterCache duplicates its content. - Limit the max size of bulk and index thread pools to bounded number of processors - AllTermQuery's scorer should skip segments that never saw the requested term Highlighting:: - Fix spans extraction to not also include individual terms. Internal:: - Log uncaught exceptions from scheduled once tasks - Fix ConcurrentModificationException from nodes info and nodes stats Mapping:: - Fix MapperService#searchFilter(...) - Fix initial sizing of BytesStreamOutput. Packaging:: - Fix Windows service installation failure - fix command line options for windows bat file Query DSL:: - Fix FunctionScore equals/hashCode to include minScore and friends Recovery:: - sync translog to disk after recovery from primary Stats:: - Fix calculation of age of pending tasks Translog:: - Make sure IndexShard is active during recovery so it gets its fair share of the indexing buffer - Avoid circular reference in exception - Initialize translog before scheduling the sync to disk - Translog base flushes can be disabled after replication relocation or slow recovery - Catch tragic even inside the checkpoint method rather than on the caller side - Never delete translog-N.tlog file when creation fails - Close recovered translog readers if createWriter fails Tribe Node:: - Tribe node: pass path.conf to inner tribe clients === Regressions Analysis:: - Add PathHierarchy type back to path_hierarchy tokenizer for backward compatibility with 1.x @ text @d1 1 a1 1 $NetBSD: patch-bin_elasticsearch.in.sh,v 1.2 2015/12/31 09:57:31 fhajny Exp $ d11 2 a12 2 -ES_CLASSPATH="$ES_HOME/lib/elasticsearch-2.3.2.jar:$ES_HOME/lib/*" +ES_CLASSPATH="@@ES_LIBDIR@@/elasticsearch-2.3.2.jar:@@ES_LIBDIR@@/*" @ 1.2 log @Update databases/elastisearch to 2.1.1. elasticsearch 2.1.1 =================== Enhancements Aggregations - [Children agg] fix bug that prevented all child docs from being evaluated Core - If we can't get a MAC address for the node, use a dummy one - Simplify shard inactive logging - Simplify IndexingMemoryController#checkIdle - IndexingMemoryController should not track shard index states Index Templates - Disallow index template pattern to be the same as an alias name Mapping - throw exception if a copy_to is within a multi field - Register field mappers at the node level. Bug fixes Index APIs - Field stats: Index constraints should remove indices in the response if the field to evaluate is empty Internal - Throw a meaningful error when loading metadata and an alias and index have the same name Mapping - Multi field names may not contain dots Search - Fix NPE when a segment with an empty cache gets closed. Translog - Fail and close translog hard if writing to disk fails - Prevent writing to closed channel if translog is already closed - Don't delete temp recovered checkpoint file it was renamed Tribe Node - Fix tribe node to load config file for internal client nodes Regressions Query DSL - RangeQueryParser should accept _name in inner field elasticsearch 2.1.0 =================== Breaking changesedit CRUD - Default detect_noop to true Fielddata - Remove the experimental indices.fielddata.cache.expire Index APIs - Add Force Merge API, deprecate Optimize API Internal - Forbid changing thread pool types Java API - Deprecates defaultRescoreWindowSize Nested Docs - If sorting by nested field then the nested_path should always be specified Search - Limit the size of the result window to a dynamic property Stats - The queue_size value should be shown as an integer. Deprecations Java API - Deprecate the count api in favour of search with size 0 Parent/Child - Deprecate score_type option in favour of the score_mode option Query DSL - Deprecate NotQueryBuilder Search - Deprecate _search/exists in favour of regular _search with size 0 and terminate_after 1 - Deprecate the scan search type. New features Aggregations - Add percentiles_bucket pipeline aggregation - Add stats_bucket / extended_stats_bucket pipeline aggs Analysis - Lithuanian analysis Geo - Adds geo_centroid metric aggregator Enhancements Allocation - Add cluster-wide setting for total shard limit - Early terminate high disk watermark checks on single data node cluster - Also use PriorityComparator in shard balancer - Add support for filtering by publish IP address CAT API - Add duration field to /_cat/snapshots - Add cat API for repositories and snapshots - Adds disk used by indices to _cat/allocation Core - Verify Checksum once it has been fully written to fail as soon as possible Exceptions - Deduplicate cause if already contained in shard failures - Give a better exception when running from freebsd jail without enforce_statfs=1 - Make root_cause of field conflicts more obvious - Use a dedicated id to serialize EsExceptions instead of it's class name. - Validate class before cast. - Improve error message of ClassCastExceptions Geo - Refactor geo_point validate* and normalize* for 2.x Index APIs - Limit type name length Index Templates - Accumulate validation errors when validating index templates Internal - Fix dangling comma in ClusterBlock#toString - Improve some logging around master election and cluster state - Add workaround for JDK-8014008 - Cleanup IndexMetaData - More helpful error message on parameter order - Cleanup InternalClusterInfoService - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.base.Throwables - Remove cyclic dependencies between IndexService and FieldData/BitSet caches - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.base.Objects - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList - Remove and forbid use of com.google.common.collect.Lists - Remove unused code from query_string parser and settings - Consolidate duplicate logic in RoutingTable all*ShardsGrouped - Turn DestructiveOperations.java into a Guice module. - Remove CachedDfSource - Enable indy (invokedynamic) compile flag for Groovy scripts by default Java API - Prevents users from building a BulkProcessor with a null client Logging - Move logging for the amount of free disk to TRACE Packaging - Drop ability to execute on Solaris - Nuke ES_CLASSPATH appending, JarHell fail on empty classpath elements - improve seccomp syscall filtering - Block process execution with seccomp on linux/amd64 - Remove JAVA_HOME detection from the debian init script Plugin Cloud AWS - Enable S3SignerType - Remove cloud.account and cloud.key settings Plugin Cloud GCE - cloud-gce plugin should check discovery.type Plugin Discovery EC2 - Adding US-Gov-West - Improved building of disco nodes Plugin Repository S3 - Add aws canned acl Plugins - Don't be lenient in PluginService#processModule(Module) - Adds a validation for plugins script to check if java is set - Plugins: Removed plugin.types - Improve java version comparison and explicitly enforce a version format - Output plugin info only in verbose mode Query DSL - Internal: simplify filtered query conversion to lucene query - Remove unsupported rewrite from multi_match query builder - Remove unsupported rewrite option from match query builder - Make FunctionScore work on unmapped field with missing parameter Scripting - Add property permissions so groovy scripts can serialize json Scroll - Optimize sorted scroll when sorting by _doc. Search - fix numerical issue in function score query - Optimize scrolls for constant-score queries. - Optimize counts on simple queries. Search Templates - Adds template support to _msearch resource Snapshot/Restore - Simplify the BlobContainer blob writing interface - Add readonly option for repositories Stats - Add os.allocated_processors stats - Adds stats counter for failed indexing requests Bug fixes Aggregations - Pass extended bounds into HistogramAggregator when creating an unmapped aggregator - Added correct generic type parameter on ScriptedMetricBuilder - Pipeline Aggregations at the root of the agg tree are now validated - Estimate HyperLogLog bias via k-NN regression Allocation - Fix calculation of next delay for delayed shard allocation - Take ignored unallocated shards into account when making allocation decision - Only allow rebalance operations to run if all shard store data is available - Delayed allocation can miss a reroute - Check rebalancing constraints when shards are moved from a node they can no longer remain on CAT API - Properly set indices and indicesOptions on subrequest made by /_cat/indices CRUD - Index name expressions should not be broken up Cluster - Handle shards assigned to nodes that are not in the cluster state Core - Use fresh index settings instead of relying on @@IndexSettings - Fork Lucene PatternTokenizer to apply LUCENE-6814 (closes - Record all bytes of the checksum in VerifyingIndexOutput - When shard becomes active again, immediately increase its indexing buffer - Close TokenStream in finally clause - LoggingRunnable.run should catch and log all errors, not just Exception? Exceptions - Fix ensureNodesAreAvailable's error message Fielddata - Don't cache top level field data for fields that don't exist Geo - Geo: Allow numeric parameters enclosed in quotes for geohash_grid aggregation - Resync Geopoint hashCode/equals method - Fix GeoPointFieldMapper to index geohash at correct precision. Index APIs - Field stats: Fix NPE for index constraint on empty index - Field stats: Added format option for index constraints - Restore previous optimize transport action name for bw comp - Forbid index name . and .. Index Templates - Validate settings specified in index templates at template creation time Internal - fix mvn verify on jigsaw with 2.1 - fixup issues with 32-bit jvm - Failure to update the cluster state with the recovered state should make sure it will be recovered later - Gateway: a race condition can prevent the initial cluster state from being recovered - Verify actually written checksum in VerifyingIndexOutput - An inactive shard is activated by triggered synced flush Logging - Don't log multi-megabyte guice exceptions. - Moving system property setting to before it can be used Mapping - Make _type use doc values - Mapping: Allows upgrade of indexes with only search_analyzer specified Packaging - Handle system policy correctly - Startup script exit status should catch daemonized startup failures - Don't let ubuntu try to install its crazy jayatana agent. Parent/Child - Remove unnecessary usage of extra index searchers - Plugin Delete By Query - Fix Delete-by-Query with Shield - Delete by query to not wrap the inner query into an additional query element Plugins - Fix plugin list command error message - Fix HTML response during redirection REST - XContentFactory.xContentType: allow for possible UTF-8 BOM for JSON XContentType - RestUtils.decodeQueryString ignores the URI fragment when parsing a query string Search - Fix the quotes in the explain message for a script score function without parameters Settings - ByteSizeValue.equals should normalize units - Snapshot/Restore - Snapshot restore and index creates should keep index settings and cluster blocks in sync - Fix blob size in writeBlob() method Stats - Add extra validation into cluster/stats - Omit current* stats for OldShardStats Translog - Translog recovery can repeatedly fail if we run out of disk - Pending operations in the translog prevent shard from being marked as inactive Regressions Internal - Deduplicate concrete indices after indices resolution Upgrades Core - Upgrade Lucene to 5.3.1 - Upgrade to lucene-5.3.0. Geo - Update to spatial4j 0.5 for correct Multi-Geometry Internal - Update to Jackson 2.6.2 Plugin Cloud AWS - Update AWS SDK version to 1.10.19 Plugin Discovery EC2 - Upgrade to aws 1.10.33 @ text @d1 1 a1 1 $NetBSD: patch-bin_elasticsearch.in.sh,v 1.1 2015/11/12 15:37:08 fhajny Exp $ d11 2 a12 2 -ES_CLASSPATH="$ES_HOME/lib/elasticsearch-2.1.1.jar:$ES_HOME/lib/*" +ES_CLASSPATH="@@ES_LIBDIR@@/elasticsearch-2.1.1.jar:@@ES_LIBDIR@@/*" @ 1.1 log @Update databases/elasticsearch to 2.0.0. Breaking changes - Remove option to configure custom config file via CONF_FILE or -Des.default.conf Deprecations - Deprecate index.analysis.analyzer.default_index in favor of index.analysis.analyzer.default. Enhancements - Make PerThreadIDAndVersionLookup per-segment - TransportNodesAction shouldn't hold on to cluster state - Packaging: change permissions/ownership of config dir - Release: Fix package repo path to only consist of major version - Plugin Cloud GCE: Add _gce_ network host setting - Check "plugin already installed" before jar hell check. - Plugin script to set proper plugin bin dir attributes - Plugin script to set proper plugin config dir attributes Bug fixes - CRUD: Send response for update request when it timed out - Engine: Never wrap searcher for internal engine operations - Fielddata: Add GeoPoint in StreamInput/StreamOutput - Properly bind ClassSet extensions as singletons - Streamline top level reader close listeners and forbid general usage - Settings in log config file should not overwrite custom parameters - Plugin cli tool should not create empty log files - Mappings: Enforce metadata fields are not passed in documents - Plugin Cloud AWS: Discovery-ec2 plugin should check discovery.type - Parse Java system properties in plugin.bat - PluginManager: Dont leave leftover files on unsuccessful installs - REST: Restore support for escaped '/' as part of document id - REST: Add missing REST spec for detect_noop - REST: Expose nodes operation timeout in REST API - REST: Ensure XContent is consistent across platforms - Shadow Replicas: Don't pull translog from shadow engine - Snapshot restore operations throttle more than specified Upgrades - Upgrade Netty to 3.10.5.final NOT CLASSIFIED - [DOCS] terminate_after is not experimental anymore - Remove unused clear(IndexReader) method from IndexFieldData - changed ben to been - move render search template methods to cluster admin client - Docs: Document ES_CLASSPATH removal in breaking changes - Rewrite native script documentation - Docs: Update repository docs with new major version structure - Add a note about shard failure in the api @ text @d1 1 a1 1 $NetBSD$ d11 2 a12 2 -ES_CLASSPATH="$ES_HOME/lib/elasticsearch-2.0.0.jar:$ES_HOME/lib/*" +ES_CLASSPATH="@@ES_LIBDIR@@/elasticsearch-2.0.0.jar:@@ES_LIBDIR@@/*" @